Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Miss A is 1!

May 7 2017..we have hit the one year mark...tomorrow she has been 1 for a month! She is advancing so quickly in all of her on going skills since she has turned 1. If you have not seen her in awhile she is a whole different little Miss since the last time.

We had her 1 year doctors appointment on the 17 of May...she is now almost 21 lbs and 30 inches in length..she is definitely catching up to Sir K in height. Her growth has been a gradual climb on the charts all along and has continued on the trend. The doctors were happy about how she is doing so healthy and happy...and A took those needles like a  pro.

Since her appointment she has been drinking out of sippy cups on her own and with little help for water and straw cups all by herself. She is eating lots of small finger foods and a large variety of new foods. Sometimes eating with A is like the Movie "What about Bob"..where he Savors each morsel of food.

Her giggles are infectious and she is getting more vocal about wanting your attention or getting mama or dada before her siblings. She is a super big mama's girl..most of the time my Dh can not help when is not feeling well or teething because she prefers her mama instead..who doesn't right??

Since her first birthday we have been pretty mobile. She is walking more and more each day...hanging on and free handed...I mean free handed as in Miss A walks across the room smiling her arms about her head like she just scored a goal and is dancing! So much fun and excitement at this age. She will circle round and catch her balance on her own which is great. She loves to bounce and swing and her play is getting more advanced each day. She loves to empty our Tupperware cupboard daily.

Hard to believe that all of my littles are growing so fast and that we will not have any more wee baby posts any more. Our days can sometimes be long but never boring. We have busy days with a lot of love in our house.

I will try to update once a month with info about how we are doing and what is going on..

O- Just had his first meet the teacher night for JK..since he starts in September! He also is getting better on potty training. He feels he would like to pee standing up....if he could just learn to aim my bath room might not be screaming at me. I feel we may have a puppy..hahahhaa

E- Is continuing her dance until the end of June. She is learning Acro and Early Ballet. She loves to dance in all forms. She is scared about going into grade 1 since her safety net is going to change at school.

K- Busy little K. Speaking more and more each day. Saying and doing things you would not think the tiny guy could do. He is a never ending ball of energy. Mighty and showing his little sister things that she should not know...they play together well despite the jealousy when we are near.

Over all they are growing so fast. Taller each day...eating tons more growing like weeds. This summer should be entertaining to have them all off together...the dynamic changes.

Happy June..xoxoxo The Brants

Sunday, April 23, 2017

11 months going on to 1Year!

Hey Y'all,

We have just finished Easter and are on to celebrating my DH Birthday this week. A is 11 months old and t minus 2 weeks she will be 1 YEAR OLD! Crazzzzyyyyy!!!!

A is smiling, giggling joy around our house. She is teething quite a bit at this point but with a little bit of random things to chew on and tylenol..she makes out just great. A has started to prefer more solid finger foods than the cereals and softer chunky spoon fed meals. She will still eat them but likes to help with her hands while we feed her. She also has started to help hold her own bottle more and more. We eat meals with the rest of the family and usually have two snack milk/food feeds. She is getting unbelievably taller and looks like she is about to stretch out again. We still only have 4 teeth in but gum things with no problems.

She is a true climber following in her brothers monkey type tendencies and footsteps. Lately the boys  have decided to help her out by hoisting or lifting her places where she did not need to be. They like to think they are helping me but have to be reminded she is still little and not a play doll. Mini Heart attacks are normal right..I worry less due to her being number 4 but still find my heart race during situations where you are frustrated and scared of what could have happened.

Miss A is starting to make new sounds each day..vroooming cars..happy clapping with hand movements, mmmming sounds when hungry or enjoying food..infections laughter. I love this stage of watch them grow and discover and change ever so quickly. Parts of me are sad that we will not experience this stage again..but know there is so much to come with our amazing family.

Walking is not far off..she walks along things and can see her leg muscles getting stronger daily. She stands freely when not paying attention to what she's doing..beside tables and chairs letting go. She climbs onto cars and into the Lego bin daily.

This year has gone by more quickly than we have imagined. She is my wee bird! Soaring to new heights every day. Her brothers guidance may not always be helpful..but she has the most fun and will always be loved...K and her are very good playmates. O is always kissing her and hugging her tight....E Wants to show her everything and sometimes asks to be dressed like twins..not sure if she knows what twins really means.

I will write you more next month..after her birthday and 1 year check up!

Miss E:
Loose tooth..growing so tall...learning so much day to day. Her speech and writing skills are getting quite good and she is coming out of her shell like crazy. I witness talking about boys and marriage and buying houses..asking questions from death to birth. She loves to dance and sing and shows us daily...learning boundaries of who is in charge and who she should talk to if she is in trouble. Dance ends soon for the year and her big recital is coming up...we are getting very excited!!!

Captain O
He is very busy..loves movies..finding out how things work..big time outdoor play..learning boundaries...listening is hard when you want to be the man in charge making choices..he is potty training like a pro lately..dry even if we are out wearing a pull  up telling us when he has to go...we are about every 1 1/2 hrs lately.. which is great....our current deal is 5 poops equals 1 hot wheels...slowly spacing the incentive that is working out and then it will be taken away,  so we just go. We start JK next September so we are getting ready practicing letters, proper manners, sitting at the table to eat with out leaving. So much energy.

Sir K
Sir K is going through the I am learning to talk a mile a minute and does so really well. But at the same time wants to get his own way and does not quite understand how to express how he feels so we bite or hit etc. We will apologize even though we do not fully understand. Mostly due to wanting to get out of time out. He uses please and Thank you better than some adults..gives great hugs and kisses. He notices a million things in the car and all around. Always asking if I heard the train go by...we have tracks near and they blow the whistle daily...also planes and helicopters. If you take a ride with us you better get ready to look and spy what this little fellow has to show you. I hear Look Mommy a.... a gazillion times in a 20min car ride lol. He is sprouting up taller...we are a finally into some 18m and 2T clothes.

Soon I will post some new pictures of all my littles...until then here is your latest update.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

From a Crawl to Walk

Here we are in March almost ending..A is 10 months old almost going on 11months.

Miss A is starting to eat more solid finger foods cut up super tiny. Her face lights up with smiles when she gets to help feed herself. Like any baby starting pieces most of it or very little gets to be eaten. More of the process of starting the self feed. The food usually ends up all in her bib, chair and in her hair...on her face..quite a site.

She now has 4 teeth through to help her gum and chew also. Her bottom front which are all the way through and her top front which are working their way through and down. When she is not stealing crumbs or her siblings snacks she is on the move.

She is getting more confident every day..between her lightening speed army crawl..her super quick crawl which is random and her leaned walk against plasma cars, her car and anything she can push including chairs. Today she walked a good chunk of the hallway behind her Minnie mouse walking car. She is standing against anything she can including the oven..to kiss herself...also the patio door..we lick doors in our house..no judgments lol.

She finally said mama consistently while DH was away in Texas...i was needed...she was one hurting soul with the teeth...my mom stayed with us and no one else was good enough. When DH came home she was making strange with him..which makes it hard for me to get things done. Most of the time she my girl...which i will cherish as long as I can. They all switch so much and are only small so long.

Each day she is growing so fast...looking more and more like a toddler and less of a baby. She learns more each day from watching and observing her siblings..some good..not what to do..lots of things she should not do...but looks fun or like a good idea at the time.

K and A will be best buddies next year when O is off to school. Sometimes I wonder what kind of adventures they will get into. The other day I walked into the playroom to find K and A playing in the toy kitchen together...great for teething, sharing and laughs. Other days they are making huge messes together by dumping all the bins under the change table on the floor. We never had a dull moment.

On other news in our house...K talking up a storm and always giving us adventure..O is potty training and not doing too badly considering..going about every hr with little accidents..and Miss E has her first wiggly tooth...no time to stop around here.

Maybe the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny will come at the same time.
XOXOXO The Brants

Monday, February 27, 2017

From the Mouth of my Sweet A

We have hit 9 1/2 months already. At A's last doctors appointment a week ago she is now weighing in at 18.95 lbs and is 28 inches long....growing like crazy!!!!

So far we have two bottom teeth. A always has her two middle fingers in her mouth for teething and comfort. The soother was replaced for fingers before 3 months even came and gone. Right now she has a cold and is getting more teeth in so it seems. This past week has been pretty rough on her and us. Little sleep..not that we get much in the first place..but you learn to live off of the 4-5hrs you get...once A is getting up every 15 min-30min....you become a mombie. I am just happy she seems to be on the mend. 

We were trying more foods and starting on to bigger pieces and not super chunky but not liquid food consistency...until A was so congested she threw up baby cereal or pushed it out before it even gets to get mouth. A sound you definitely avoid if possible. Today we starting to eat better again..not quite the amount we usually get into her but we are not throwing up all food from the massive amount of spit and snot running down her throat, so definitely a huge PLUS! Even had a little chunkier of a lunch BONUS! 

She has started to say MAMA randomly....definitely not as often as her "dada's or yaya's or HI's". We make some new funny sounds with her mouth. She will use them to get you to smile and laugh but also to laugh at herself while making that sound.

We are standing against anything and everything...pulling our self up like a old pro. We stand against the couch, crib, beds, under tables against chairs . If we let her she will attempt to move plasma cars and walks along the couch. I wish the boys would leave the Walking Toy/car she got for Christmas from Santa alone...if she had a longer time with it being out she may be able to practice her balance a bit more. By no means am I rushing things though. We love watching her explore the world through her eyes..and time goes by fast enough with her being number 4. It is like she hit the ground running. Wanting to catch up to all of the other siblings around her and watching to see how things are done around here. 

Lately we have had to help her go to sleep. The separation and stranger anxiety has hit a high level of intensity lately. Especially while she is sick and teething...it usually happens between 9 months plus..just seems stronger with her. Now a days we pat her/rub her back or bum and stroke her hair or close her eyes so gently stroking her nose until her eyelids feel droopy. She just wants to know you are there...so we sit or stand a spell and take in her little beauty.....while stopping other little walking feet from keeping her awake. I will take all the little snuggles and cuddles and soothing...for they are only so small for so long and We will miss this! 

I would write about all the others right now..but I am tired and welll...I may need a book. If you stop in and my two year old is running around buck naked due to he thinks its a pantless party lately....my 3 year old is working the tv and planning a cookie hoist...I guarentee A might soon become ring leader..she two thinks about breaking free from her cribbed bed. 
Xoxo The Brants

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Chomp Chomp

This past month has been an exciting one..we had E turn 5 years old, K turn two this past weekend and on the 7th Miss A turned 8 months old!

Miss A is starting to move onto mashed foods . The day before she turned 8 months old she had her first two teeth break through the skin..and the fussiness to go with the pain begins. Most of the time she takes it well..constantly chewing on the fingers in her mouth....now we have started to bite anything we can...including grinding the only two teeth she has. More teeth are seen and being felt just below the surface...so the fun begins.

She is army crawling faster than the speed of light all over the house...getting into dog food and pulling stuff over. We really have to watch her all the time. One second she is in the living room...you turn and she is in our front entrance or playroom trying to cause ruckus with the rest of our brood. Oh the laughter she brings with her teethy grin. K loves to bug her and get her toys down..giving her kisses and hugs.

She loves to make us laugh and is super ticklish.  A lot of the time she is getting preferential on who feeds her or how she is fed. She likes to give daddy a hard time and is trying to feed herself on the floor. We usually end up chasing her to get her to eat again.

Mobile and determined. She is constantly standing with us holding her..half sitting/posing on the floor with her arm holding her up on an angle and rocking back and forth pre crawling. A will slide down the couch to get down while we hold her...and changing her is a whole other story.

Her babbling and laughter is infectious! If you want smiles A is your Gal! The dog will never have dry food ever again.

K just turned 2 this past weekend on the 15th. Thanks to all the FamJam who made it out. It was low key but perfect for our Thomas loving Two Year old! Two days after is still in recovery of fun! We had cake and company and the usual favourite for Two Year olds...Hot Dogs!

He is so Kissy and Cuddly lately. His words are ever flowing. He is super smart..loves his trains and giggles all over the house. Dare devil at heart..no fear in this lad....makes his big sister cry just with his tiny pinching hands.

He is definitely stretching out and finally in 18 months clothing...but 2 T would definitely be too big.

Miss E:

Miss E is 5...attitude on her sleeve. She has a big heart..but full of emotion.

She had a great birthday party with one of her besties from school and some of her cousins and a few of our other close friends with their littles. We made gingerbread houses..had a Sofia shape cupcake cake. We tried to space it out..having a birthday on christmas can be hard when you are so small.

Since she has gone back to school she has had two snow/ice days per week. It has been interesting to watch how when the days are not as structured and she is home to play how the dynamics change at home. For her sake the buses better be running tomorrow. I love spending time with her but she has been tired lately and misses her friends and school. She begins to get very dramatic and it goes down hill from there. She also feels she is in charge lately...which does not get her what she would like...lol.

Soft at heart..even though he seems so rough and tough. Are Ears need to be turned back on again. He loves his new camera he got from Christmas and is constantly taking pictures of all of us.

Time sure flies. I just signed O up for junior kindergarten this past week. Now we just have to get this lad potty trained before September! He will pee on the toilet when we take him..pushes it out in fact. Will not tell me when he needs to poop or has tho..and I feel we will be taking him every 20 mins at first. This will be a Two parent task I fear with heavy reward trickery.

As for now I bid you all goodnight. It's been a long Two days and I'm outta here haha.
Xoxo The Brants

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Let me See that Army Crawl!

    A is on the move...soon nothing will be safe again in this house...not that it has been for awhile.
Totally can not put out or have pretty things currently in this household...my poor Christmas decorations are proof. Toddlers can be well to put it lightly tiny terrorists hahaha.
She has mastered the tummy army crawl...where you have amazing upper body strength..do this ackward plank/push up to glide/push your way across the floor to get access to toys and objects around you...and man does she do it quick...also a ROLLING QUEEN! I can not recall but I feel like this is much quicker than her siblings..we are in the mode where we do not want to miss a thing. 

I also feel like she is my other child...who is not going to take crap! K is the exact same way currently and you really have to watch him..I will be proud of it later in life..but right now he is sneaky and ruthless when it comes to fighting back......and DIRTY. He bites his siblings in the back when play fighting! A is already following him in the trend of chewing on socks that are left on the floor...we are usually a sockless house...except for my DH. A will even grab the washcloth K left behind..because honestly they are all over my house lol...and chew on his...Gross!!!! Yet to see teeth through. But they are definitely making themselves known through pain and chewing. Poor A is fighting food on and off between teeth and colds. We are completely used to the whole process but still breaks your heart when there is not much you can do other than comfort and tylenol.

She is getting to be such a big girl. 7 months old...already in some 6-9 and 9month clothing! Stretching out every day...trying to climb up on chairs from the floor and rolling all over the place..a force to be reckoned with! We are even starting to make small noises when she feels she is not being heard..it is a competition in our house some days. Its like being a in a broadway with 4 performers..all begging the audience to just watch their rendition one more time. Good thing we like movies and plays huh!

If you walk down the hall in our house and peer into our bedroom..sometimes you are sure to see Miss A staring back at you over the bars of the crib. We probably should work on lowering it soon. We are not quite up all the way. Lots of time we will see her rolling around with her pink elephant cuddly making quite the sounds. The joy she brings is amazing. Its hard to get frustrated if you see the piggy faced smile she sends you.

K is our little dare devil! Lately he has decided to think he is not too big for the jumperoo miss A should be using. The floor usually wins in this case. This morning there was blood involved. I swear all my kids have done it at one point..hit the skin in between the lip and gum...always looks worse than it is. My two boys are constantly climbing and wrestling like boys do. I am surprised I do not lose my voice some days. The amount of yelling I am trying not to do ...but after some point something has to give..and if you have ever had a toddler you will understand it has to be their decision and why should I listen to Mom!  K is adventurous and funny! He is a ham..but climbing the walls. He loves trains and vocabulary is through the roof for a kids who is not even 2 yet. His new favorite is Thomas...he loves to dance and will sing you all the words to twinkle. But be very aware that he is a little dinosaur...as he assures me with his scary ROAR!

Is into everything and is 3...sometimes I feel very frustrated with my sweet O..because well life! He wants to be involved and helpful even if he does not know how. Everything has to be his decision. He is growing faster than the speed of light...I have my 3 year old in Pants from children's place for boys size 4 H (husky) He is my tank..he will eat his lunch and then have lunch with you. He is always up for car rides and trying new things..loves movies and has the best memory. Gives great cuddles and tells me the funniest things. Just the other day we were on a magic carpet ride trying to get away from a scary dragon..sorry you missed it!

E: Is almost 5!!!! Christmas day to be exact! She has really come out of her shell lately. She has really improved at school. Loves to help when it suits her..has to be in the mood lol. She loves crafts and builds amazing lego sculptures. Her imagination is tremendous. She is always making up stories with me before bed. Her speech is improving dramatically..she is also getting so tall. I have her turning 5 and going into a size M or 7/8 for some things. I had to actually buy two new snow suits again this year. Tom boy at heart outside..I de-stain more than a little with this gal...She loves to dance and is being moved up this week into the older ballet kids. Lots of drama with this age..due to wanting independence and also wanting help at the same time..never a dull moment.

After this I will not be writing until after Christmas. So to all the families who take the time to read. Thankyou and We all wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our house to yours. Love the Brants xoxo

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Half a Years Past

My sweet Little A is 6 months old! I say it each time but it is really amazing how fast time can fly. She is by far the fastest one yet. She watches in amazement learning from the others each day and spreads her wings to fly faster than we could have imagined.

Her giggles will melt your heart and she honestly is super cuddly! My sweet baby is a happy joy to be around..and even though we are dealing with colds and teeth trying to come through..A is such a trooper!

We went to the doctors office for her Appointment this month and she is now weighing a whole whopping 15lbs 14oz! She is also now 25.25 inches in length...she will soon be out growing my small K her older sibling if she keeps at this rate of growth. Her hair is growing in and shortly I should be able to put in a pony..lol..not that we care about that too much..but her big sister Miss E keeps asking me about when A will be getting her hair done too!

We have also had more foods such as Wheat cereal, green beans, turkey and a couple other new things. We are constantly teething with our poor wee fingers in our mouth. Honestly think K will have a washcloth buddy. If K had it his way he would share one..he is always giving A stuff she should not have "helping".

Did I mention we are rolling everywhere, reaching for toys and starting to lift our knees and bum scoots/sliding ourselves forward on the floor to grasp toys etc. She is super determined!!!  She loves to stand since she has practiced with support in her Jumperoo and exersaucer. She will slide off the couch against DH or myself and stand hanging on. She will also sit up with little support.

We are learning new sounds..Raspberry spit bubbles are a daily occurrence. We have started to shift her bedtime feed back sooner so we all get more sleep. We were waking her before anyway.

A is starting to interact more with sounds, facial expressions and passing toys back and forth..she will play with her siblings through sounds and joyful movements. K loves to come and give her kisses and hugs. O always tells me just how much he loves her. There is a lot of reminders of gentle being given.

I will write more soon..as the night is late and this mama always has lots to do. Perhaps next time I will be able to write more about my other children haha.

xoxoxo The Brants