Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beat Beat Closer

Today we made progress..we actually got through to the doctor to book an appointment to start this whole ordeal. Tuesday I start to go for my first internal ultrasound and bloodwork..just to get a baseline..

So in this brand new year..we make changes.. Possitive is what we shall be and need to be. We start off on our new path of our journey.  Change is good right? I want to believe that this will all happen in the first month. I can not say for sure that I am gonna get siked or anything due to all of the let downs. But at this point we are willing to try anything.

We will try to spend more alone time together..have date nights. Be less stressed and conquer anything together. Taking these appointments and everything one step at a time..I see meditation happening..perhaps some yoga..I even bought a new weight watchers recipe book...just to add to our little collection and eat better. I forsee meal plans..somethings to be changing around our house..like more happiness and a little less crowded.

One heartbeat closer...a little at a time. Thanks for all the support..my lifeline continues to grow stronger.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

D Day

I would like to refer to the last day i got my next period as D DAY! It was such a nice christmas present to myself...i was thrilled.. Sarcasm is needed. It decided to come on Christmas Eve Day.  I was really hoping, praying and wishing that maybe this past month was the month. But things are never going to be easy....that would not be as much fun.

So here goes it. We now have to get ahold of our dear doctor...which might i add is a chore in itself..and talk to my boss and let her know what is going on exactly. That is something i was hoping i was never going to have to do. Due to my cycle falling on the holidays..the office is closed and we have to get our first appointment done between days 9-11..which just happens to land on the new years eve weekend. Today is day 3 of us trying to call the doctor..slightly not impressed considering he knew this was going to happen. Doug is taking charge of calling..I am stresssssssed out.. Too many things that just happen to be going on in our lives all at once.

Yesterday we talked to one of my bosses. She is not someone i would normally go out of my way to talk about something like this. I was sooo scared that i was shaking and hardly could talk. Due to this is a big deal right? RIGHT? I thought so....DH laughed so hard at me..I had tears after sitting and breathing after it was done. Basically she just wants to know what i need off and to work around things. I figured as much..but due to the situation we are in right now. I do not see that happening as of right now.

As of right now we wait for an app..to start this whole long process..hoping that it is just this month that we have to go through all of this together. I forsee some alone time that is well needed and less stressfull activities. After  2 1/2 years it is about time something works out on this whole journey...lets hope this is it. Will post again soon...hopefully with moving forward news.