Here we are...only a couple days past her being 14 months. Right now Evie and myself are dealing with a not so nice cold and teething. Hence it has been a wee difficult to write my blog.
Hmm where to start.. Well let me see. Evie is doing very well with her finger foods and getting into chewing bigger and bigger pieces. She will even bite pieces apart with her two front teeth if she feels they are too big. Plus I feel she seems to enjoy biting pieces apart with her teeth just because she can. We have been using a sippy cup here and there when we have water with mom's help. Evie like to either forget to swallow or spit the water down the front of herself if you are not helping her right now.
I have started to teach miss. E some sign language. We have started with the sign for more. The sign for more is done by taking your hands like you would be doing the rock paper scissors game, but with the paper signed with both hands and pushing them together like a motion together and apart in front of you. Evie likes to take her pointer finger and put her palm out and just tap in the middle of her palm repeatedly. She uses it very well to let us know when she wants more finger foods or something she likes such as music.
Right now we are working on her 6th tooth coming through. She just got her 5th about a week ago. It is exciting but her toys and crib are definitely taking a beating. Our little beaver has damaged her sleigh crib so bad that once we move her into the other room we will have to fix the crib before the new baby arrives.
We are now waving hi and bye to ppl. However when E waves it is backwards to you..curling her fingers towards herself...tres cute. She has been really good with starting to help mom and dad picking up toys. That is all about Miss.E for now.
Baby B # 2:
Today we had our 17 week 2 days apt. We thought we were going for our next ultrasound apt. Turns out it was just a heart beat check with the Doppler and a blood pressure check. All is looking good. I am now 209lbs. Down again..but everything seems to be going no biggy. I have a lot of Evie weight I could lose.
Our next doctors app is march 27th. Which I believe I will be 21weeks two days. Hopefully the weather is better the next was not very nice out..we had to wait a whole for a very short apt. Perhaps next time we will find out if E will have a little brother or sister.Doug thinks it is a boy..I have no thoughts. But if you all want to guess the gender that could be fun. Until later...enjoy the a snow friend.