Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Thursday, June 27, 2013

E Dancing Video!

E just loves this song and dances to it whenever it is on! We were lucky enough to catch her this time 
on my i phone..not as funny as some other times...but pretty cute still. We love music in our house and its sure to put a smile on your face. Hope you have a good day!

My 1 1/2 Year old Miss E!

Hard to believe that Doug and I are parents of a 1 1/2 year old Miss E already!!!!!!

Today We had Miss E's 1 1/2 year old apt. She is doing really well all around meeting all the little checklists they have.

I knew ahead of time the doctor was not going to be happy about us having her on 2% instead of Homo Milk. But Overall our doctor says she is doing really well in growth etc even though she would prefer according to the Health Unit Guidelines that she should be on HOMO until she is 2 for brain development. I know for a fact that she is super smart and I am not just saying that because I am partial or her mom. The puzzles she knows how to do..or sign language she is picking up or words we may only say once or already use everyday is amazing. We are always reading and listening to music and trying to do different activities for sensory development or art with her. I am a strong believe of learning through play and the world around her.

E now weighs 24.6 lbs and is super tall like her daddy. E is now 79 1/2 cm or 2 ft 7.3 inches in height. We can always tell how tall she is by how quickly she is growing out of clothes or now reaching door knobs to turn into rooms she knows she should not be in by herself..or reaching things on tables that are not meant for her wee hands alone or at all.

We had a shot today..which is the last one she will now receive until she is 4 Thank GOODNESS!!!! She hates needles...does not help that you have to hold her like the hulk and hope she does not wiggle free to try and take the needle out herself. She was making strange with the doctor today..and really lost it way ahead of the needle when the doctor tried to and checked both of her ears.

Other news about E..we are fully on sippy cups and also a water bottle style cup with the same stopper in the inside. I must say I love love LOVE Tommee Tippee products that are originally from Europe, only available at Toys R Us I believe. They are made really well and very brilliantly thought out.  E has 12 teeth that are all in..yes that is right she finally got her fourth bottom front tooth in folks..and also has all four molars in now.

We are dealing with a ongoing tantrum stage right now..testing out boundaries. Biting comes and goes..lately we are pinching and hitting..mostly me and the puppy that get the brunt of it. Daddy gets a little here and there but mostly the puppy and I. We are working on getting her to listen..counting used to work..sometimes we cry before two is even said..other days we are listening good as gold. 

All of a sudden we are sleeping almost 12 hours at night give or take..even if we fight going to sleep in the beginning. Naps are getting to be better again..fingers crossed they stay that way. We are going to move Miss E into her new big girl room this weekend once all of the last minute touches are put together. I am thinking it is going to be a long weekend..no pun intended..its a big switch for her being in a crib and going to a bed. I feel we will be doing a lot of stairs this weekend putting her back in bed until she falls asleep..unless she completely surprises the both of us. She really does love to spend time in her new room especially with all the new books in the reading area. So here goes nothing right! Moving our big girl into her new big girl bed...hoping all goes well..for we will have some adjusting to do in the weeks to come with our new addition heading into the world..her soon to be little brother!

Pictures to be posted soon! E loves the camera and each day is a new experience under the lens!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

33 Week 2 day Apt

Tuesday June 18th/2013

This morning we went for our 33 Week 2 day apt...after this apt we will be seeing the doctor in another two weeks on July 3rd. After the next two week appointment we will be going weekly.

Today was a ultrasound day. Blood pressure was good..always seems to be thank goodness cause lord knows it feels like everything else is not lol. The baby is now estimating at around 5lbs 5-7 ounces. If and I mean IF we make it til my due date Aug 5th/2013..he could be a 8-9lb baby. CRAAAAZY! If I am two weeks like I was with Miss E..he could be 7-8lbs and some ounces. I am hoping we hit that target area of weight..considering E was only 6lb 2oz and this baby is pretty much almost that size now in weight. Do not know how I feel about a smaller sized watermelon going through my gouchy but hey..what can you do right.

The baby appears to be head down already..which is great news. But with the amount it is somersaulting all the time..it would surprise me if it changes a couple of times before delivery. It constantly is moving, kicking, turning and having hiccups. E never moved this much..and considering how big the wee lad is already..it explains why I feel everything all the time and as often still.

This Gestational is going to drive me nuts! Has to be the worst time of year to be pregnant and have gestational diabetes. Everything from carbs to fruit to ice cream..dairy etc turns into sugar. I am now taking 22 for the long lasting and dialing it up to 24 tonight..to see if my morning number will reach the 5.2 or less..and then will decide whether to up my fast acting which I am currently taking 10 of with each meal. I feel like it will never be figured out and constantly changing. I know I have to do it and am willingly pricking my fingers and poor bruised running out of room stomach 4 times a day..whether I want to cry/scream due  the insulin burning as I inject it in. But it's just nuts I tell you. I really hope the baby does not come out with little holes all over his body lol. jk!!!

On the bright side both the doctor and the nurses at the diabetes clinic who are sweet as pie..no pun intended..both tell me that I am not allowed to go over when I have gestational diabetes..so that is good news. However may also mean I might have to be induced..which I would really prefer not to be or have a c-section if the situation does not continue to get better or size of the baby becomes too large. I am just praying that I do not have to constantly check the babies sugars once this is all over and worry about lows because my silly body could not produce enough insulin during this pregnancy. Seriously scarey stuff. I mean If i have a higher risk of type one or two and have to do this from now on..I have accepted that and can change alot with food..exercise etc. I will have to be tested 6 weeks after the wee lad is born to make sure my levels are all back to normal.

I think the worst part about all of this is feeling it is my fault!! When we eat fairly healthy. Now if I do want something like a ice cream or chips..cookie as a treat I feel very guilty. Hell..milk turns into sugar!!!!! Ya do what you have to tho right. They want me eating a snack at night so I do not get a low at night either..which I force upon myself to eat..not always feeling hungry then..and deal with it coming back at me all night due to the indigestion and heartburn..which I take acid reducers for right now..such a silly circle of events I am in. Not trying to complain either..just explaining what is happening.

So we move on right. I keep thinking 7 weeks left. Probably 5...even tho my dear husband says 5 or 4. He is banking on the 19th of July for some reason. I believe my sister in law said the 22nd of July...any takers on any other dates..When will Baby Brant # 2 be born? My date is Aug 5th and E was two weeks early..and GO!!!!!!

Until then I keep calling in my numbers..adjusting and praying everything is going to just be alright. Much love y'all. I will update you on Miss E next week...for She has her 18 month dr.app and will be 1 1/2 years old if you can believe it..I sure as hell can not!!! xo

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

31wks 2 days apt

Hey y'all, 

Today we had our latest apt with baby b # 2. E was especially well behaved considering our apt was booked in for 8:45am and did not get into see the doctor until after 10am. The doctor was called in to a emergency c-section and his half hour delay was more than a hour. 

Doug and E did some laps, read books and E played with some other little friends who were waiting with their mom for an apt. Good thing I decided to bring a snack with us for E. 

I am down 11/2lbs since 2 weeks ago and I have only gained 13lbs total this pregnancy so far. Hard to believe I am gestational diabetic when you hear that. The heartbeat was good and so was my blood pressure. 

The doctor asked about my sugar levels which are final going down to a more reasonable area in the window I have to be in for being pregnant. Monday I called in my numbers and was told to dial both insulin meds up another level to help lower my numbers in the morning and two hours after each meal.  I now take 15 of 1 at night and 5 before each meal of the other kind 3 times a day. 

The more ironic part is that the doctor from the diabetic clinic whom I have yet to have a appointment with until July has still not called in my insulin prescriptions or the needle tips I need to I've the insulin to myself.  So I had to get more needle tips from the clinic this morning until he cut ally calls it in. Good thing they give you the meds you need for about a month when you are gestational diabetic. Let's hope he calls them in before I run out and do not have to keep dialling the levels up. Fingers crossed this past dial up works for the rest of the time or at least awhile. 

We go back in another 2 weeks..the 18th of June I believe. After that apt we may start to go every week...that apt we have a ultrasound. I am slowly packing things on my baby bag lit and what I am not using right now for my hospital bag. E's room is slowly getting there and we will probably move her into her new room in the next couple weeks to give her lots of time to adjust.

That's all for now xo.