Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

E's 20 month post and my 6 wk post apt

    Today is a tired day in our house. Between O deciding it was awake time at 4:30 am after his feed..and when we fed him at 11pm not getting to bed until after 12am. Plus Miss E was crying on and off all night and woke up at 4am losing it. At first we thought we would try to get her back to sleep..clearly was not happening..plus she had pooped and puked in her bed..and then in ours when cuddling watching cartoons. We resorted to all being up since 4am..O played in the bouncy chair and then fell asleep while we all played laundry clean up crew and played toys in the living room with doses of Tylenol and much needed coffee...did I mention this was appointment day for me. 

Miss E is 20 months old! Less than 4 months and she will be 2years old and of course it will be christmas. SANTA!!! SANTAAAAAASSSSS COMING!!! Lol sorry had to...love ELF! 

These teeth that have been seems like coming in or just tricking us and being a pain are putting poor Miss E through it all. Right now we have a rash again...which I believe is linked to acid in tomatoes etc while she is teething. Pooping like crazy..which is usually a one a day thing for E but is now a couple and man does she stink! E even plugs her nose when she poops right now..we have been joking about how bad she stinks saying peeee you and holding our nose...so now randomly she says she stinks or sometimes us..haha. I know she is in pain due to her being so picky on eating as well. E is normally a great little eater and now she is being ever so picky. I feel lately it sometimes takes her a hour to eat things that would normally take her 20 mins max. 

She is getting very tall. So tall we have to keep moving things like iPads, controls, phones and other things she thinks she should be using. Another reason why I can tell she is sprouting up is dresses I bought her are now shirts with shorts or tights until the end of summer. We are starting to say more words again..this week our favourite is Up!  

We are very grown up with her brother wanted to help..other days we are jealous trying to put things on the breastfeeding pillow or climb on it herself. This week has been long since thy have been feeding off of each other. 

My mind is running on fumes right now..so that is all you get on E today..

My 6 week post preggo apt:

This morning we dragged our tired behinds to the doctors for myself. It was a pretty fast apt considering when I had O I was lucky enough to not tare, rip or need a episiotomy. So no stitches or painful healing for this gal..just needing the baby growing organs to go back down in size and in place. I am excited to tell you I was 205lbs today! I know seems like a very large number..but when I went into have him I believe I was 232lb. Soooo 205 sounds great..I was 207 last week when I weighed myself so I am losing at a good pace and now I can work out again. 

He asked us the usual..have you done the dirty yet? What do you plan on taking for contraception ? We have not and eventually was my answer...if we keep running on 4hrs of sleep that is not happening for anyone lol. I am kind of worried about taking the pill again. I have been on so many things and not sure what more I want in my body, how it will effect me etc. I also do not want it effecting my milk supply. So he is putting me back on the pill..Doug does not want 3 under 3 he says..so if you want to still maintain the relationship with your husband and not get pregnant in the near future...the pill it is. He said the one I am going on is a light dose and does not effect my breast milk...one pill a day (another thing to remember to take), less side effects and its progesterone based I believe. I did not have to be on anything while breastfeeding E..I did not cycle until about 50 days after I stopped pumping.

I am sad that we will not be seeing him regularly or his sweet receptionist. They are like family to us..and we would not have E or O without them. Now we are back to just seeing the regular family doctor. 

Right now all are napping...which does not happen with E in the morning unless she is ill. Quiet time for this mama. Xo

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Pics

Here are some latest pics of the growing fam!

O's 1 Month Post

Today it is rainy and in the 5 minutes I may have of silence today and free time..there is not much of that or I would have clearly already written the updates on Mr.O already..since he is 5 weeks already this past Tuesday and soon to be 6 weeks next week already. A little behind..but better later than not at all.

Owen is growing so fast..it seems to be going a lot faster than I remember for E and trust me that is not that long ago..mind you I just turned 27 yesterday so age is making my memory escape me. I read one of those ecards that said I used to have brain cells I traded them in for Children..kind of makes you giggle a wee bit right.

Last week so two Mondays ago he was weighed and he was already 9 pounds. So I am guessing that he is over 10 by now. Each day he amazes us on how strong he is. He has held his head up like no ones business looking side to side since about a week and pushes up already like he is swimming/crawling during tummy time in the floor play mat. He is a very alert little guy.  He is starting to lose his hair..but has new growth coming back in at the same time thank goodness.

Sleep..you can run off of 4 hours right? Well he is now doing at least one span of 4-5 hours sometimes even 6 at night..which is a godsend for me since we have to stay up so late to feed him and wake up early to feed him anywhere from 3-5am depending and then he goes back up and I sleep a little or stay awake until Miss E wakes up. He is a lot more needy it seems in other ways than when E was wee. Right now he does not want to go to sleep for naps in the day unless he has help or is on someone..which makes it hard. We use a soother but he spits it out like a ninja and will only sometimes help hold it in..then gets mad that it is gone..real pain in the you know what. He also loves to be around a lot of noise...so a mp3 player for his room is being bought this weekend for nap time in the day..the frog we have is apparently not good enough. He is used to his loud sister so it explains a lot.

Sleeping at night is great..unless he has gas. My mom told me when I was small and new to the world I had to have a lot of Ovol for tummy issues. Well he seems to have a sensitive stomach as well. Give him some Ovol and it works wonders. We tried using some other stuff same ingredients but it is not the same. I know it may be some things i eat once in awhile like eggs and spicier foods..just means I have to think ahead of time. Who ever said it does not effect them when you eat something and breastfeed are completely wrong.

Today we have a noisy crying household. I am not crying..YET! lol E has teeth coming in so it seems and O does not want to be upstairs sleeping in his crib alone. We resorted to sleeping him in the swing this morning after one feed...going back up 4 times to fix him is enough after trying to get E's lunch made and feed her and get lunch ready for Doug and Myself.  I really can not wait until E can explain more of what she wants instead of crying and throwing herself on the floor to get attention when I am breastfeeding O. Also when O starts to grunt/Coo etc..that would be nice.

O is still using the shield to feed. However E used it for almost 3 months..I did however get him latched 3 times on the left side...so that is progress. Also last night is the first night I bathed him without him crying. I have never met a little boy who hates being naked as much as my son. He cries when we change him either his bum or clothing and during baths .

Did I mention he is a Peeing machine!!! We pee freely everywhere when we are changed. I know that is normal...we are getting a lot better. With O it does not matter if he is covered or not. Yesterday he peed so much he got it in his mouth twice...silly boy.

So I go for my 6 week check next week..hopefully everything is good! I will try and post more updates and pics..please be understanding lol. Miss E needs to be updated next week...so here goes nothing right.