Another month has flew past us. Hard to believe that we are halfway through March already and into St.Patrick's Day on Monday. In another 4 months we will be half way through summer (I know hard to imagine right now) and O will be 1 years old.
You know how when you have your first child and it seems to fly by and then other days or months seem to go on forever. Well we find O is changing even faster than E ever did. From how fast his hair grows to how much more he weighs and eats. He is always watching his sister and trying to do things a 8 month old should not be trying already.
O is going to be quite the character. He is constantly screeching at E to get her attention when on the floor scooting around while he army crawls. They love to hug and kiss each other and E is always showing him new things to play with and try out. O loves to try and make us laugh and smile and then will mimic our facial expressions.
Our menu is always increasing. He has had Mango, avocado, turkey and pork, wheat & corn cereals. We are going to make some broths soon and start to make foods chunkier soon to get him to chew more often. A lot of the time he just inhales food and we can not get it into his mouth fast enough. My DH likes to call it a assembly line. We have not gotten any more teeth yet. I am sure they are currently on their way as he is chewing everything a lot more lately and is having some fussy times which is unlike O.
He is constantly practising his Mama's, Dada's and Nanaaa. As well as singing with his sister and myself. We are always singing and making up silly songs which both E and O love. We are never short of giggles in our house for sure and screeching to get other peoples attention.
Currently I am still pumping but will be stopping at 8 1/2 months for I am still over a month ahead and I feel at 8 1/2 months I am going to start to switch O slowly onto Homo..mixing it in with the Breast Milk. He loves yogurt and it has not seemed to bother his system so we are a go. I have to say it will feel great to not feel like a cow and be able to wear some regular mom clothes again.
Miss E:
E is word explosion. From beginning to say please and thank you more often to repeating words and sounding them out. Please happens when we ask or if she really wants something. Thank you is something to be desired unless she hands you something and runs away when saying it to you.
Today she noticed the kitchen clock was missing from the mall since we needed to change the batteries in it. Doug had taken it down. Well we spent an entire lunch time listening to "OH Nooooooo, It's all None(aka Gone). The Clock..Ohhhh Noooo The Clock". We had to let her know it needed to be fixed and have new batteries put in. That was not okay at all since it is meant to be on the wall. So my DH went and fixed it and put it back in its place. This made her feel a lot better about the situation. Some days you just have to laugh. My husband said I did not even know she knew the clock existed or what it was for that matter. Two year olds do not miss a beat!
Our days are busy and usually a roller coaster of emotions. It is a hard life not being able to tell mom and dad exactly what you want to say or understanding how you feel. E loves to help us out a lot lately. Today she helped vacuums. It was very funny to watch my husband vacuum while my toddler pulls back on the hose at the same time thinking she is helping him out. We let her wipe off her area with the dish cloth where she ate at the table. E also loves to sweep and washing out hands is so fun.
Each day she is taller, uses more words(parroting us) and is learning with the world around her. I am so grateful I get to spend time with her watching her explore the world and creating new experience to help her grow and explore/learn each day. I have never had so many kisses and hugs and makes the tantrums and frustration melt away.
Oh and If you have a Mr.Potato Head without a butt..we have it! E will let you know we are missing the Potato and help you look for it..but we have the butt. The other day I picked up a bag of heads and pieces to go with the potato heads we already have. Well when she found the bum piece that was extra. E started to call out "Oh Potato, Where are You". This is after I asked her where the Potato was to the missing bum piece. It was a funny site. We always search for her Hippo that way. Especially when PO her Hippo hides on her.
Also if you ask E to do something or go somewhere you will hear her state right after your question "And PO too!" as she grabs her Hippo and hugs and kisses it. For you can never go anywhere without bringing your Pink Hippo with you.
With laughter and Yawns I sign off. Pics to come eventually xoxo