Hope you are all having a fun November! I just realized that this is the 2nd baby apt I have not blogged about. There is still time right! haha
So today we went to see the doctor for baby #3. Going to the Partners in Pregnancy is definitely a different experience than the last two pregnancies. I am currently seeing my regular doctor who looks after our family but at a different building downtown. Basic apt..I get weighed...I have gained 2lbs since two weeks ago. I am now 225.8 and was 223 something two weeks ago. They check my blood pressure which is quite funny to a toddler who thinks she is Doc Mcstuffin's off the Tv show. They do the regular babies heart beat and measure my stomache....ask me a couple questions about how I am doing and we are on our way..oh and I get to pee in a cup and test my own Pee!!! YEAH!
Everything is going well. My still estimated due date is the 28th of Jan..so anytime after Christmas we could be having our youngest being born. I really hope to not be 4 weeks early but you never know. O was 3 weeks early and there was no stopping his arrival..even on the hottest week of the summer! I handed in my registration for the hospital today..considering I am 31 weeks already...probably a little late on that one. I could have anywhere from 5-7weeks left I would say. Isn't something they always come sooner and faster. We have another appointment for the wee babe..whom sex will still be undetermined..in two weeks.
We are busy busy here..between trying to finish Christmas shopping..getting things planned and ready for E's 3rd birthday..since I want to be prepared..Doug is off to Texas for a week shortly..We have a 80th Birthday Celebration to go to this weekend....oh ya...and we have our house up for sale. I packed a lot of things to show the house..do you think I can find some things I need now..nottta! Including the tree skirt is missing for the tree!
16 months:
My sweet little adventurous toddler Captain O is 16 months. He is into everything. We now have the tree up and we are exploring daily how things work and which sounds come from certain actions. I placed some metal jingly bell snowman deliberately on the bottom of the tree so I would know when either of them were playing with the ornaments. It has been up about a day in a half..they come in handy. We did not tie the tree to anything so I am hoping the sound is enough notice to catch them and get their attention to be gentle and it not fall over.
Right now O is teething like crazy..I swear the next time one of you sees him it will look like the boy almost has a full mouth full! His poor bum is soo red and he is constantly stealing his sisters drinks and snack..just happening to be apple juice which makes his bum worse when teething.
It is amazing how much faster he picks up on words and actions then E did. He is repeating open door and close door and "row row". He loves to tell me when he wants a SNACK..which with O if you have not been around a lot..could be all day all the time. The boys legs are hollow either that or I am not sure where it all goes..he does not stop or slow down..so it must be burnt off momentarily after it is inhaled.
We are amazed by small things. We love to talk on the phone..we have the cutest bum wiggle dance and the couch is no longer safe to put things up higher away from him..for when you are not looking he is getting up and down on his own. Even the remotes are phones to O. The one day I heard a conversation which I believe should of been with daddy. It went a little like this "Hi, Hello, Daddy...work..bye". Then he hangs up the remote/phone. We have also witnessed him using two phones one on each side..which unfortunately with the way daddies job is lately is being witnessed a lot more often. Also when O is ready for bed..he grabs his buddies comes to give them to you or waits at the stairs to go up. Melts your wee heart right!
Miss E AKA the Threenager:
We are big on NO's, Attitude, Agreesion, Hitting/Throwing, Time Outs..Tantrums...the Word Now instead of please and being Miss Independent!!!
We are not quite 3 yet..1 more month to go..but you know how you really want them to talk and use their words more. Sometimes..quiet and hugs are much better..ha ha. We are working on patience and using proper words. I find I talk to myself a lot..or it seems that way when you have to repeat things 20 times. I now sound like my mother. "Look at me when I am talking to you"..."are you listening to me". I may have to do time in's soon...time outs sometimes do not work and are more work on my part when I have to put her back there 5 times..or remove O from bothering her in Time out.
We have started to choose when we will have a nap..sometimes If i lay up there long enough with her..she has no choice and gives in...the days are limited. But we are getting up at 5/5:30..sometimes 4:30...and this mama..well that part of the morning still requires some sleep...especially if we are going to skip nap...seems like it is time to make quiet time boxes...you know in all the spare time I have.
Decorating the tree last night with her after nap was done was very fun. She loves to help and is a great helper when wanting to be. This year she handed me all the balls for the banister garland. She helped put O and Her decorations on the bottom portion of the tree. To a child this small it is a amazing time of year. So magical! I can not wait to deliver the Elf on the Shelf we are adopting this upcoming weekend. We are going to do a North Pole Breakfast and the Elf arriving E named her Shimmer and knows she is on her way soon. I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post. If you follow me on instagram I probably will post daily..here may be on weekends.
We had our first snow fall and melting. E loves SNOW! She built a snowman at Yaya and Papa's for the first time with her Cute Pop as she calls my dad. We got some really cute pictures. The getting her back inside is the hard part..we do not want to go back in once out playing..even if its freezing.
I will be sure to write a small blog shortly with some Elf pictures.
Love the Brants