Hey Y'all
Here we are smack dab in the middle of July. Heck we are at the tale end of it. Last week we went to O's 2 year check up and K's 6 month appointment!
K is doing really well. He is now a whopping 15.9lbs and 25.4 inches in height. He is according to the doctor tiny. Only in the 10th percentage. We think he is doing great! He is healthy happy guy all around!
We have now conquered two meats, chicken and beef..we have added a whole bunch of fruits and veggies as well as yogurt and we are eating about 2-3 oz of solids 3 times a day. We started to even sleep longer at night. Some days we get to go to bed at 10/10:30 as we are feeing K at 9:30/10 for the night. Eventually when her gets to eating more solids he will be in bed at 8ish and then around the time the other kiddos go down for the night. Let me tell you I live for that day. You never value the little sleep you get until you have kids.
He is rolling all over and wants to crawl and be one of the gang goofing around. As my DH and I have more children the happier they get. Sleeping in the day are getting few and far. He naps once in the morning and has some spread out naps in the afternoon. I am hoping he starts to have a bigger nap in the afternoon soon as we are still eating most days every 3 hrs.
Separation anxiety and stranger have started. Makes for a long day when we are crying for this mama when I need to change his siblings into clothes for the day or we have rolled once again and decided we are done with it. I always try to talk and sing so he knows where we are..we may just have to start getting naked and dressed in the living room lol.
K loves his siblings and shows it daily, sometimes I fear it is dangerous as he watches their every move. Each day he amazes us. Today we had him in the pool in the heat with his siblings and let me tell you that boy can make a splash.
Captain O:
O is my tank, the hulk, my tornadO! He is now 33.9lbs at 2 years old! He is 35.6inches in height. He is gonna be my big guy!
We just celebrated his 2nd birthday with family. We had a pirate birthday. I created a treasure hunt for the kids. They had clues to follow, things to find and wear and treasure at the end. Even a mermaid lagoon! What other kind of party do you have when your kids love Jake and the Neverland Pirates!!!! O had a great time with Family and we are grateful! This year will lead to lots of more adventures.
This boy I tell you needs a helmet! If there is a place to be hurt, something to be tripped over, climbed, thrown, bumped. He is your guy! Life is never boring with O around. He is forever more my shadow. I can not pee alone..even if it is across the house. He would cross molten lava to find me. You will never ever feel alone at my house if you are going to the potty. If you need to get dressed he will find you a shirt. He helps with everything he can. The other day I had E and O help wipe down all the cupboards with clothes for me.
Some days are long, as O is still learning to speak. He is learning lots of new words daily. Tears are a big thing in our house with frustration, jealousy and miscommunication. We are a sensitive soul and love hugs and kisses. Each morning at 5:30am each day..O comes into our bed for cuddles and to let me know we are getting up for the day. I pump at 6 so it gives us enough time to wake up slowly and start our early day.
Nap time and bed can be fun since we are sitting with O at the end of the big boy bed to make sure he is going to sleep and not running out.We are a pro Door opener and closer! One day we will be able to put him to bed again and just say good night. K and him share a room so they sometimes feed off each other.
Miss E:
Here we are trying to get her to act as a big girl. Our 3 year old starts school this fall. So early, so young...sooo soon. I want to hold her longer..help her grow and know. Not rush this time we will miss so dearly..even though at times it can be frustrating.
We are doing a lot of work with sharing and words and bathroom duties. Doing things for ourselves and learning to want to do it by ourselves. We have a time we sometimes use for eating since we like to fool around at meals sometimes or take a long time. At school we have 20 minutes to eat.
We are a great helper. However the unpacking is at a hault when you have a 3 year old who does not want to help and will not play alone even for a little bit. The songs are amazing the dancing fantastic. I love to hear stories she has to tell me. She loves her siblings...so much she told me we need two babies and she told her daddy she would really love to have a sister. hahaha I told her she has to talk to daddy about that one.
The summer is flying and soon I will be getting stuff ready for her school days to start. I still do not know her bus or teacher etc. All I know is she tells me where her school is every time we drive by and she loves it so much!
I will be posting pics soon. When I get time. This post has been a long time coming.
XOXO the Brants!
If you read this blog from the very first post it will show you all the ins and outs and obstacles my husband took to conceive our world our family.It will take you through our pregnancy's and how we are doing month to month..updates on our children. Hopefully this will help others learn there is hope and other people out there with similar issues in trying to conceive.
Our Little Fam
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
June brought us to 5 months...
Here we are again...giving you all the latest.
K is doing great! We are eating lots of new solids. We have now tried, rice, oatmeal and barley cereals. As well as squash, sweet potato, apple sauce, prunes, blueberries, green beans, peas and now carrots. Soon we will be doing pears and peaches. He loves loves loves solids. We sometimes do 2oz in the morning and then our bottle and a 1oz or 2 at lunch and dinner.
He is such a happy little guy and brings joy to our lives each day. Always smiling and laughing and really starting to coo up a storm of conversations. He is starting to roll over quite a bit from his back to front and side to side. Sometimes that leads to us fixing him a lot when he should be having a nap haha.
We finally moved K into a crib..in with O! Means Daddy and I are getting our room back for the first time in 5 months..except for the occasional nap in the play yard due to K's catnap tendencies. He is now sleeping in a crib in the same room as his brother each night and for most naps. It is taking a little bit of adjustment since he is now laying much flatter with better back support and a new surrounding. Plus O goes in that room frequently since his big boy bed is in that room also..Super exciting for this household!!! We would have started it sooner but Daddio went away and O would not stay in the big boy bed at first..plus everyone got a dreaded summer cold..all is well again.
He is growing more each day and loves to make sounds and faces back and forth with his siblings. I could not imagine our crazy busy lives without him.
You know when you think that you might have a break in between more teeth coming in...do not even start thinking that way. We went from pointer teeth taking forever to come in and through to the 2 year molars..and boy oh boy..throw a cold in that mix and daddy being away for a week and we have a messy toddler.
O is saying lots of new words..he loves to call his sisters name with a W on the front for some reason. He is a parrot with lots of new sounds and phrases..but a toddler none the less.
Lately we are dealing with a great amount of anger and frustration and hitting! Head butting and shoving..all kids have their battle of wills. Toddlers are trying to express themselves or in our case..O is tired and it leads to violence. Usually against me! We have tried everything. It will take time and patience and a whole lot of time outs and repeating myself. We show him daily what are hands are for instead of hitting..but really any pointers?.
Another fun battle is getting O to now stay in his bed long enough to fall asleep. He wants someone to lay there with him. When he was in the crib it stopped the little escapee! It makes for a long day sometimes returning him to bed over and over. I enjoy the cuddles and quiet..It would be easier if he was being put down when his sister was in for quiet time or napping which never happens..today I ran between O and K...then it took so long it was time for K to nap again as well..and as for lunch...haha everyone can eat except mom...You would think I would be Model skinny..but what fun would that be right?
Our favorite things are brushing teeth, sweeping, playing outside and going for walks. We love to set tables and sing songs.
I love my Miss E so much! But the 3's...the Threenager..the Miss Independent but I do not know how phase. I do not want to phase. If I could flip a coin for the amount of times in a day I hear.."No I want to do it by myself". I try to let her and encourage her to do more and more alone and to try and let her know I will not be able to do a lot of these things for her if she is in school and wants to go. You know where you are hoping the big girl panties she is wearing starts to kick in with the attitude. The time I am waiting for is at the end of a tunnel..a long curvy tricky tunnel. The tunnel that leads to Yes mommy I can do this all by myself and then actually happens that way.
We are running into trouble with clothes where they are not fitting just right mostly in the legs/hips and where I need to do them up. I feel a growth spurt in the midst!
We are doing excellent with our pre learning for school. ABC's are coming along great..also numbers up to 20. We have added them into our nightly song routines. Another thing we started to do is let her use her reading pen at night after we do our story time and songs. She gets some independence and some more quiet down time. Most of the time this means there is no bedtime argument about not being tired...she will either fall asleep reading or put her pen and books away and lay there quietly with her wall moon light on. Rarely we come in and tell her when it's time to put them away and go to sleep.
Any pointers from fellow parents on getting your children to want to wipe during potty time. We have started again to want to but not consistently. Sometimes we are having accidents..due to saying we did not have to go when we did. Sooo we still take her every 1-2 hours especially if we are fighting it.
Right now we are planning a Pirate party for O's 2nd bday party in July! So excited for him. Our packing is slowly coming along..I really need to get on that..now only if K would sleep without us in the room during the evening...or I had enough energy at that time of day.
I will be writing the 6 month and 2 year apt blog after the doctors apt next month. xoxo
K is doing great! We are eating lots of new solids. We have now tried, rice, oatmeal and barley cereals. As well as squash, sweet potato, apple sauce, prunes, blueberries, green beans, peas and now carrots. Soon we will be doing pears and peaches. He loves loves loves solids. We sometimes do 2oz in the morning and then our bottle and a 1oz or 2 at lunch and dinner.
He is such a happy little guy and brings joy to our lives each day. Always smiling and laughing and really starting to coo up a storm of conversations. He is starting to roll over quite a bit from his back to front and side to side. Sometimes that leads to us fixing him a lot when he should be having a nap haha.
We finally moved K into a crib..in with O! Means Daddy and I are getting our room back for the first time in 5 months..except for the occasional nap in the play yard due to K's catnap tendencies. He is now sleeping in a crib in the same room as his brother each night and for most naps. It is taking a little bit of adjustment since he is now laying much flatter with better back support and a new surrounding. Plus O goes in that room frequently since his big boy bed is in that room also..Super exciting for this household!!! We would have started it sooner but Daddio went away and O would not stay in the big boy bed at first..plus everyone got a dreaded summer cold..all is well again.
He is growing more each day and loves to make sounds and faces back and forth with his siblings. I could not imagine our crazy busy lives without him.
You know when you think that you might have a break in between more teeth coming in...do not even start thinking that way. We went from pointer teeth taking forever to come in and through to the 2 year molars..and boy oh boy..throw a cold in that mix and daddy being away for a week and we have a messy toddler.
O is saying lots of new words..he loves to call his sisters name with a W on the front for some reason. He is a parrot with lots of new sounds and phrases..but a toddler none the less.
Lately we are dealing with a great amount of anger and frustration and hitting! Head butting and shoving..all kids have their battle of wills. Toddlers are trying to express themselves or in our case..O is tired and it leads to violence. Usually against me! We have tried everything. It will take time and patience and a whole lot of time outs and repeating myself. We show him daily what are hands are for instead of hitting..but really any pointers?.
Another fun battle is getting O to now stay in his bed long enough to fall asleep. He wants someone to lay there with him. When he was in the crib it stopped the little escapee! It makes for a long day sometimes returning him to bed over and over. I enjoy the cuddles and quiet..It would be easier if he was being put down when his sister was in for quiet time or napping which never happens..today I ran between O and K...then it took so long it was time for K to nap again as well..and as for lunch...haha everyone can eat except mom...You would think I would be Model skinny..but what fun would that be right?
Our favorite things are brushing teeth, sweeping, playing outside and going for walks. We love to set tables and sing songs.
I love my Miss E so much! But the 3's...the Threenager..the Miss Independent but I do not know how phase. I do not want to phase. If I could flip a coin for the amount of times in a day I hear.."No I want to do it by myself". I try to let her and encourage her to do more and more alone and to try and let her know I will not be able to do a lot of these things for her if she is in school and wants to go. You know where you are hoping the big girl panties she is wearing starts to kick in with the attitude. The time I am waiting for is at the end of a tunnel..a long curvy tricky tunnel. The tunnel that leads to Yes mommy I can do this all by myself and then actually happens that way.
We are running into trouble with clothes where they are not fitting just right mostly in the legs/hips and where I need to do them up. I feel a growth spurt in the midst!
We are doing excellent with our pre learning for school. ABC's are coming along great..also numbers up to 20. We have added them into our nightly song routines. Another thing we started to do is let her use her reading pen at night after we do our story time and songs. She gets some independence and some more quiet down time. Most of the time this means there is no bedtime argument about not being tired...she will either fall asleep reading or put her pen and books away and lay there quietly with her wall moon light on. Rarely we come in and tell her when it's time to put them away and go to sleep.
Any pointers from fellow parents on getting your children to want to wipe during potty time. We have started again to want to but not consistently. Sometimes we are having accidents..due to saying we did not have to go when we did. Sooo we still take her every 1-2 hours especially if we are fighting it.
Right now we are planning a Pirate party for O's 2nd bday party in July! So excited for him. Our packing is slowly coming along..I really need to get on that..now only if K would sleep without us in the room during the evening...or I had enough energy at that time of day.
I will be writing the 6 month and 2 year apt blog after the doctors apt next month. xoxo
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