Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

10months and back on track!

Hey Y'all writing a little late due to I really wanted to get his weight check appointment in before I wrote news on Sir K!

He is doing awesome...well besides the teething and return of a head cold. We are doing great! Back on track...we are now a whole whopping 17.6lbs..I know it does not sound like a huge number. But this means we are gaining again and not plateauing in the weight department and we are not losing..gaining is great! We are eating everything in sight..he loves floor food and things that look like food that happen to be on the floor but are totally not food. He is wanted to eat all of the bigger kids food which as long as we are remembering to chew is fine by us! We love to have macaroni, grill cheese, cheerios, stealing his siblings goldfish, fruit, eggs and hash browns, waffles and toast...you name it. If it will fit in his mouth he is totally up for the challenge.

In other news K is walking along tables, pulling lots of fun things down, starting to climb copying his bigger brother and starting the jealousy cry..now that is a whole bundle of fun! Especially if his sister or brother are sitting with his dear daddy...we pour on the tears real thick and sometimes try to take over the spot or pull their hair until they submit. Evil genius that boy is..Stewie my friends may have a run for his money..except K is totally a much happier non cartoon child.

Bedtime gets for fun each day with our new sense of movement. We usually try to let him self soothe in the am but find it difficult at the time they both nap or go to bed at night. We are officially early risers..usually 4 or 5am. Cheerios is the snack of choice best served on the floor...bowls are too fancy for this child..it helps us make it till our 6/6:30 breakfast slot. Gotta get going on our day..do not want to miss anything exciting..like today for example Shimmer our Elf arrived.

We are now chattering away like mad. Sometimes you may even think you are being told a real life ocurance from his daily adventures. He may even be reminiscing about the day the two boys decided to play splash pad in my bathroom toilet. FUN times!!!!

Captian O:

We are all ill..I was hoping that it would skip the whole house but that is really wishful thinking. O is more of a cough still lingering. I spend the night sleeping with him and randomly being woken up when he had to make sure I was still in the bed with him. Not the most ideal sleeping arrangements but you do what ya gotta do to survive the night. Daddy already was fighting with sick K all night in our room on the floor and in the bouncy chair (aka life saving chair).

We are really starting to put our sentences together properly and ask lots of new questions. We love to help and explore. Yesterday he spent the morning with my Mom while we ran to appointments and he had a ball playing outside and doing playdoh, helping with the puppies. 

O is also slowly starting to realize when he has gone pee or #2. For him that's huge. I Am probably going to wait a bit longer to start the training process or I believe I will have painted floors and walls. Not the sort of thing I feel like cleaning as of yet.

Miss E:
There is a light someone turned on at the end of the tunnel. We have gone almost two weeks with only 1 accident. Last week we had none . We are going on our own, sometimes being reminded/asked but we are using the school bathrooms with less fight and remember not to hold it. Wondering what has changed? She gets reward stickers and if we have no accidents and go we also get  to pick a treat from our Halloween candy. Whatever works! Very proud of my super big girl.

Now if only the listening would kick in and the attitude would drop. You can tell we are approaching 4 years in less than /4 days! We love school and even have a boy in her class that she supposivelg loves and will marry when she is all grown up. Hahaha!

E beings all the illness home and is most dramatic. She was pretty excited about Shimmers return this Am. Hopefully it encourages better listening ears and sharing.

For now I'm laying with my smallest sick man. Xoxo the Brants