Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Friday, March 25, 2016

Beginning to look like Spring

Hey Y'all
I have not posted a lot on here lately. Hard to believe I will be 31 weeks tomorrow with our 4th Baby..E is now 4 years 3 months..O is over 2 1/2 and K is going to be 14 1/2 months old...CRAZY!

Miss E:
She is doing great..besides a cough that lingers from a cold. Her speech is getting better, trying new foods. She loves school..cries about snow days..believes she has a boyfriend. Is becoming more out going

Motherhood is a fun roller coaster..where one minute your 1st born is telling you to check out her poop shaped like a crescent moon and asking me if I am proud of her...then informing me next time she aims to make a star shaped poop..OH DEAR!

This same week I have been asked to pick out a crown to wear. When one crown is picked then I am told that is not the right one..that is a boys crown and I need to wear the opposite crown I picked out to wear. I wonder why sometimes I was given the choice.

We love our brothers sometimes too much especially K. They are always horsing around with each other. She is an amazing artist and beginning to tell us what they are meaning. Every day is something new.

Captain O:

My teething 2 1/2 year old. We believe we are getting molars in. Sometimes now biting..bringing his buddies everywhere he goes at home. Very cuddly with we all enjoy..but are a wee bit tired of the early wake ups and fighting bedtime routine.

We are over tired..causing O to be more aggressive. We love O to bits...but the hitting and anger from lack of emotional outlet/expression needs to be worked on. We are always talking about feelings and what all of our body parts are for and not for...like hitting or kicking/head butting. We are doing very well with speech..but for someone his age to say he is mad etc just does not happen. We can not put the pieces together quite yet.

Most of the time K and O are great playing together. Sometimes a little too great..they love to get into trouble together..for example..Tupperware or diapers all over the floor..clothes pulled from drawers...you need something dumped..I have two guys I know that will probably work for cookies.

Is it just me or do boys talk about their penis all the time. Its a common word around here with our O. Also we are singing and so happy a lot of the time. Big on super heros, dress up and naming things.

The other night we had to get monsters out of his room for the first time ever. Dad can be pretty bad ass when it comes to removing monsters and making sure the room is sleep safe. Gotta love it..

Sir K:
 Explorer Extraordinaire, Parrot of learning new words, trouble..possibly his new motive and name.

We are constantly curious and into things we should not be. Just the other day we were back in my shower..let in by his partner in crime..to my shower..where we had bottles down and came out with Irish Springs in his hand in which he had been chewing on..I swear this kid will eat anything can. Teething helps this hobby of everything being edible.  I guess washing his mouth out as a possible punishment down the road is void..we like the taste. Food goodness sakes we will eat soap willingly but have texture issues with foods we should be eating...fun times.

We are always biting! Unfortunately K thinks it is hilarious. We are a dumper at heart..totally a boy thing. I am still trying to switch him to just afternoon nap. This is always depending on how early we are awake. A daddy's boy at heart..as soon as daddy is done work K is all over him. I see jealousy happening in the near future.

We keep trying new foods, We still prefer liquid over solids. Milk is number 1. Only on Homo now. He is a grazer and snack stealer at heart. The boy still probably is just maybe 20lb we have not weighed him since his 1 year where he was 18lbs. I have some size 12 month pants that fit him but a lot of what he is in is still 6-12 month pants or 6-12 or 9-12 month onesies. The boy is constantly moving and burns off whatever he eats. He practically runs around the house. Falls and Bruises are just a story of an adventure with our boys. I feel sometimes they need helmets on at all times.

This weekend is Easter...we bought them all bikes from my DH and myself..so excited to get into spring and warmer weather. After the Ice Storm we just had..we need some nicer weather.
Much love to all..xoxo The Brants

30 Weeks have gone by!

A couple of weeks ago we had our gender party! We announced we are having a baby girl!!!! We are soooo excited to share our big news and our other children are thrilled to be having a little sister soon..especially Miss E! We are very thankful and blessed to have so many ppl who celebrated with us...if you did not make it out..we missed you.

This past week on Wednesday I went for another prenatal appointment..the last couple I have been jumping a couple pounds since We are down in the home stretch and going every 2 weeks. My blood pressure is finally getting lower again..may not stay there for long..but we shall see.

The baby seems to be doing great..moving lots...great heartbeat..but then again here comes the time where I needed to go once again for a sugar test. I did one earlier that came back great where I was in the clear. I went this past Wednesday just to make sure everything was still good since I have had gestational with my 2nd out of 5 pregnancies...can never be too careful as they like to tell me.

When they checked my urine sample..as they do each time you are there for protein, sugar levels etc..it showed traces of sugar..so I had to do a finger prick..which had me at 8.9....a little high..the doctor, nurses and myself thought it was just due to me just getting blood done for the sugar test minutes before I came to the doctors..drinking the glucose drink that we all enjoy (LOL) not even a hour before my appointment at the doctors office.

My weight had also now jumped to 232/33 lbs so I had to ask the doctor what my magical bmi/weight number was when I can no longer deliver in Cobourg Hospital. I now am at the point where I am only allowed to gain 3lbs before I am not able to deliver in Cobourg due to the weight/bmi restriction..due to no NICU and Anesthesia rules..making more complications possible. Which means I will be transferred to Peterborough and probably our Doctor who helped us start our family the specialist in the are Maskens.

Today I go a call..doctor had called me peronally..never really gives you a good feeling...especially on a holiday. My results came in and my sugar test was at a 9 something. So now on Monday I go back in to do the 2 hr sugar test...if it comes back good I am ok...but still may be transferred due to my weight number..if its high I may have gestational again and be back on insulin if they can not correct my levels with seeing a dietician. Either way the care will be in the hands of doctors in Peterborough. Lets hope in the end we do not have the baby on the way to the hospital..being a hour drive and all. If I get the green on gestational I have to have another scan to check on the growth of our baby girl. I measured at 32 wks when I just turn 31 weeks tomorrow..when she measured my stomach lying down with the measure tape for growth. It may explain my weight gain and measurements if the sugar is not processing properly.

Its not often they tell you that you can not deliver somewhere..or to diet..maintain or lose weight to deliver somewhere. I am not upset about if we have to go back to Peterborough. We know the doctors..the nurses and team in the Prenatal and Delivery unit in Peterborough are amazing..just was hoping to avoid this road all together. If this baby comes fast and we do not make it in time may be different. We may have low sugar in the baby again if I am on insulin. Last pregnancy everything was completely normal..no difficulties until the birth day or days.

We always get through each hurdle...timing is not great since my husband is going to India for 2 weeks and I now may have a lot more distance appointments to attend.Lots of family around for support is a great blessing. We will definitely keep y'all more posted..I have not had much to say..all was normal and well until now.

I hope you all enjoy your Easter..I will be checking sugar levels with my monitor..dreaming of my Easter chocolate I should not or can't eat until I know more..if anyone wants ice cream...come on over.  Much love..xoxo