Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Monday, February 27, 2017

From the Mouth of my Sweet A

We have hit 9 1/2 months already. At A's last doctors appointment a week ago she is now weighing in at 18.95 lbs and is 28 inches long....growing like crazy!!!!

So far we have two bottom teeth. A always has her two middle fingers in her mouth for teething and comfort. The soother was replaced for fingers before 3 months even came and gone. Right now she has a cold and is getting more teeth in so it seems. This past week has been pretty rough on her and us. Little sleep..not that we get much in the first place..but you learn to live off of the 4-5hrs you get...once A is getting up every 15 min-30min....you become a mombie. I am just happy she seems to be on the mend. 

We were trying more foods and starting on to bigger pieces and not super chunky but not liquid food consistency...until A was so congested she threw up baby cereal or pushed it out before it even gets to get mouth. A sound you definitely avoid if possible. Today we starting to eat better again..not quite the amount we usually get into her but we are not throwing up all food from the massive amount of spit and snot running down her throat, so definitely a huge PLUS! Even had a little chunkier of a lunch BONUS! 

She has started to say MAMA randomly....definitely not as often as her "dada's or yaya's or HI's". We make some new funny sounds with her mouth. She will use them to get you to smile and laugh but also to laugh at herself while making that sound.

We are standing against anything and everything...pulling our self up like a old pro. We stand against the couch, crib, beds, under tables against chairs . If we let her she will attempt to move plasma cars and walks along the couch. I wish the boys would leave the Walking Toy/car she got for Christmas from Santa alone...if she had a longer time with it being out she may be able to practice her balance a bit more. By no means am I rushing things though. We love watching her explore the world through her eyes..and time goes by fast enough with her being number 4. It is like she hit the ground running. Wanting to catch up to all of the other siblings around her and watching to see how things are done around here. 

Lately we have had to help her go to sleep. The separation and stranger anxiety has hit a high level of intensity lately. Especially while she is sick and teething...it usually happens between 9 months plus..just seems stronger with her. Now a days we pat her/rub her back or bum and stroke her hair or close her eyes so gently stroking her nose until her eyelids feel droopy. She just wants to know you are there...so we sit or stand a spell and take in her little beauty.....while stopping other little walking feet from keeping her awake. I will take all the little snuggles and cuddles and soothing...for they are only so small for so long and We will miss this! 

I would write about all the others right now..but I am tired and welll...I may need a book. If you stop in and my two year old is running around buck naked due to he thinks its a pantless party lately....my 3 year old is working the tv and planning a cookie hoist...I guarentee A might soon become ring leader..she two thinks about breaking free from her cribbed bed. 
Xoxo The Brants