Hey Y'all,
We have just finished Easter and are on to celebrating my DH Birthday this week. A is 11 months old and t minus 2 weeks she will be 1 YEAR OLD! Crazzzzyyyyy!!!!
A is smiling, giggling joy around our house. She is teething quite a bit at this point but with a little bit of random things to chew on and tylenol..she makes out just great. A has started to prefer more solid finger foods than the cereals and softer chunky spoon fed meals. She will still eat them but likes to help with her hands while we feed her. She also has started to help hold her own bottle more and more. We eat meals with the rest of the family and usually have two snack milk/food feeds. She is getting unbelievably taller and looks like she is about to stretch out again. We still only have 4 teeth in but gum things with no problems.
She is a true climber following in her brothers monkey type tendencies and footsteps. Lately the boys have decided to help her out by hoisting or lifting her places where she did not need to be. They like to think they are helping me but have to be reminded she is still little and not a play doll. Mini Heart attacks are normal right..I worry less due to her being number 4 but still find my heart race during situations where you are frustrated and scared of what could have happened.
Miss A is starting to make new sounds each day..vroooming cars..happy clapping with hand movements, mmmming sounds when hungry or enjoying food..infections laughter. I love this stage of watch them grow and discover and change ever so quickly. Parts of me are sad that we will not experience this stage again..but know there is so much to come with our amazing family.
Walking is not far off..she walks along things and can see her leg muscles getting stronger daily. She stands freely when not paying attention to what she's doing..beside tables and chairs letting go. She climbs onto cars and into the Lego bin daily.
This year has gone by more quickly than we have imagined. She is my wee bird! Soaring to new heights every day. Her brothers guidance may not always be helpful..but she has the most fun and will always be loved...K and her are very good playmates. O is always kissing her and hugging her tight....E Wants to show her everything and sometimes asks to be dressed like twins..not sure if she knows what twins really means.
I will write you more next month..after her birthday and 1 year check up!
Miss E:
Loose tooth..growing so tall...learning so much day to day. Her speech and writing skills are getting quite good and she is coming out of her shell like crazy. I witness talking about boys and marriage and buying houses..asking questions from death to birth. She loves to dance and sing and shows us daily...learning boundaries of who is in charge and who she should talk to if she is in trouble. Dance ends soon for the year and her big recital is coming up...we are getting very excited!!!
Captain O
He is very busy..loves movies..finding out how things work..big time outdoor play..learning boundaries...listening is hard when you want to be the man in charge making choices..he is potty training like a pro lately..dry even if we are out wearing a pull up telling us when he has to go...we are about every 1 1/2 hrs lately.. which is great....our current deal is 5 poops equals 1 hot wheels...slowly spacing the incentive that is working out and then it will be taken away, so we just go. We start JK next September so we are getting ready practicing letters, proper manners, sitting at the table to eat with out leaving. So much energy.
Sir K
Sir K is going through the I am learning to talk a mile a minute and does so really well. But at the same time wants to get his own way and does not quite understand how to express how he feels so we bite or hit etc. We will apologize even though we do not fully understand. Mostly due to wanting to get out of time out. He uses please and Thank you better than some adults..gives great hugs and kisses. He notices a million things in the car and all around. Always asking if I heard the train go by...we have tracks near and they blow the whistle daily...also planes and helicopters. If you take a ride with us you better get ready to look and spy what this little fellow has to show you. I hear Look Mommy a.... a gazillion times in a 20min car ride lol. He is sprouting up taller...we are a finally into some 18m and 2T clothes.
Soon I will post some new pictures of all my littles...until then here is your latest update.