Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Miss A is 1!

May 7 2017..we have hit the one year mark...tomorrow she has been 1 for a month! She is advancing so quickly in all of her on going skills since she has turned 1. If you have not seen her in awhile she is a whole different little Miss since the last time.

We had her 1 year doctors appointment on the 17 of May...she is now almost 21 lbs and 30 inches in length..she is definitely catching up to Sir K in height. Her growth has been a gradual climb on the charts all along and has continued on the trend. The doctors were happy about how she is doing so healthy and happy...and A took those needles like a  pro.

Since her appointment she has been drinking out of sippy cups on her own and with little help for water and straw cups all by herself. She is eating lots of small finger foods and a large variety of new foods. Sometimes eating with A is like the Movie "What about Bob"..where he Savors each morsel of food.

Her giggles are infectious and she is getting more vocal about wanting your attention or getting mama or dada before her siblings. She is a super big mama's girl..most of the time my Dh can not help when is not feeling well or teething because she prefers her mama instead..who doesn't right??

Since her first birthday we have been pretty mobile. She is walking more and more each day...hanging on and free handed...I mean free handed as in Miss A walks across the room smiling her arms about her head like she just scored a goal and is dancing! So much fun and excitement at this age. She will circle round and catch her balance on her own which is great. She loves to bounce and swing and her play is getting more advanced each day. She loves to empty our Tupperware cupboard daily.

Hard to believe that all of my littles are growing so fast and that we will not have any more wee baby posts any more. Our days can sometimes be long but never boring. We have busy days with a lot of love in our house.

I will try to update once a month with info about how we are doing and what is going on..

O- Just had his first meet the teacher night for JK..since he starts in September! He also is getting better on potty training. He feels he would like to pee standing up....if he could just learn to aim my bath room might not be screaming at me. I feel we may have a puppy..hahahhaa

E- Is continuing her dance until the end of June. She is learning Acro and Early Ballet. She loves to dance in all forms. She is scared about going into grade 1 since her safety net is going to change at school.

K- Busy little K. Speaking more and more each day. Saying and doing things you would not think the tiny guy could do. He is a never ending ball of energy. Mighty and showing his little sister things that she should not know...they play together well despite the jealousy when we are near.

Over all they are growing so fast. Taller each day...eating tons more growing like weeds. This summer should be entertaining to have them all off together...the dynamic changes.

Happy June..xoxoxo The Brants