Still have time- The Strange Familiar
Break the ice around your heart
Don't never be afraid
You know it's not too late for you
To take another chance in life
Want to roll the dice and
Start over
You still have time
These are lyrics from the song called "Still have time"-The Strange Familiar. If you have not had a chance to listen to any of their music..well as it says you still have time. Look them up!
Lately things have been pretty rough and interesting. Especially since in a month from now is when we had experienced this whole miscarriage ordeal. This past month we had our first IUI. We thought that maybe we would perhaps get lucky and have a break for once and have something be a little easier on us. Road Blocks are obstacles that seem to keep popping up on matter what we decide to do.
We were told to wait until two weeks after our IUI to test and if we did not still cycle(get period) around then it would be a good sign to test and come get blood work done. So on the 20th I tested and it was negative...thinking it might be way too early according to what happened the last time I was almost pregnant,,I waited until Monday and still got a negative result, I am not going to lie..after having more than 2 1/2 years of really starts to bring you down. You become a little more realistic..not getting your hopes up.
So we went onward. I continue to take all of the progesterone suppositories...which let me tell you..also gives you fake symptoms like I never fall asleep on the couch as an happened a couple times..including one time while visiting at someones house. Some days I felt like I was peeing every 10 mins..others days I was fine. I felt sick some days and others nothing at all.
Around Weds I thought I should go and get a blood test done to see if we are prego..due to when the doctor forced us to cycle we should have probably got something already. I called Doug to see if we could go to the clinic..unfortunately...the lab in the specialists office changed its hours again. So we had to pay the parking amount of $4.00 anyway. We then proceeded to go to another lab close by and ended up getting blood taken but had to pay $6.00 for 31mins in the place. So we waited again.
By Thursday I started to spot and by the looks of it all get something. Which brought back bad memories of deja vu. Last time this all happened the week after I should of already had my cycle. It was not until a week and a half after that I had any symptoms or a positive test. So i waited to hear from the doctor and see what happened next.
Today it became obvious and worse that it was not just implantation bleeding like i had hoped. The pain is incredible. I get it pretty bad already..but I believe the hormones make it way worse. Doug had phoned the doctor for me..since i was at work all day long. It was a negative blood test as well.
So here we are...starting over. It will be a new start of another IUI process. We are feeling very alone sometimes..scared..unaware of what is to happen next and completely out of control of what is going to happen. This month could mean lots of appointments for ultrasounds and leading up to what could happen.
I do not think enough ppl are really greatful for how easy they have hard they did not even have to try or go through so much. Most couples would not be together at this point..would be blaming each other. So many ppl we know just have to think about being pregnant and it happens. Pregnancy should not be taken lightly. It is a life changing decision..a gift. Not an accident...something that is meant to be in your life by God. I may be a little cynical due to what all we have gone through. It is not that I am not happy for those around me...we just really do not find it fair..especially since some ppl we know do not cherish and respect and realize they are lucky for what they have.
The strength and partnership Doug and I have is so strong and we are so lucky to have each other. We are greatful each and every day for our love..our family and friends. Our bond is like no other..this upcoming Wednesday we will be celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary, we have been together a total of 7 years altogether this summer..crazy how time flys when you are having fun together.
Step by step...we still have time..our hearts beat on..though sad..we begin again. Our faith is strong and we will get through this..despite all the negatives.