Hey y'all
You either have now caught on really quickly and are saying..."say what?" or are trying to figure out what the hell I am talking about.
Today is my big announcement day for you all. We are pregnant with Baby # 2. 13 weeks..or pretty darn close to being done my 1st trimester..the 3 months of me feeling very ill.
If you are like every other family member that we told around Christmas or a little before hand you are probably either thinking or saying the same thing. 1. How the hell did that happen? or 2. You got pregnant on your own. Mind my language..but my dad decided to say..you mean to tell me one of those dirty bastards got in there..LMAO. Now he is saying that because when you do an IUI..which it took 3 to get our daughter Evie..after 3 years of trying...when they do the IUI..they have to clean the sperm..they spin it before the procedure. So really it is very funny. Doug ( my husbands) running joke is that I cheated on him with another cup!! He thinks he is HILARIOUS!!!!
So here is the downlo..
We went back on Nov 1st to see the specialist..just for a chat on the steps we were going to take ect this time. My cycles were still out of whack since i stopped breastfeeding miss E. I stopped so I would start to cycle again to get things going. My last cycle..was Oct 29. So I was put back on Metformin..to build it up in my system again..which you already know if you are an avid blog follower of my blog. We were not due to come and see the specialist until Jan 7th in the new year.
Well..I had not been feeling very well..and had been on the 3 metformin for a couple of weeks and figured I should have gotten something soon that the last almost 38 day cycle. So I waited a week in a bit longer and thought..okay I am going to take a test and if not..I am still have issues with my body..hence we are going to see the specialist.
So on the same day...I will never forget due to it was the same day all the public eye was all over Kate being in the hospital for morning sickness in London. Doug brought home a two pack of tests and had quite an interesting time at shoppers buying them. The guy at the checkout asked him if he was sure and if it was that kind of night. Doug was getting quite a chuckle out of it. He asked for a optimum points card and Doug said " Am I not getting enough brownie points for buying this"..the guy continue to tell Doug that if I brought the receipt back in with the card we could get the points LOL.
I waited a bit to take the test..while we were cooking dinner I figured here goes nothing. Well let me tell you it was the fastest damn positive that has ever showed up on one of those in my life. You know how they always tell you to wait the time..well mine maybe took 3 seconds for both lines to show up! I told Doug " There are two lines". He told me to wait the time..I told him..if they are already both there..it is not going to change the result. So we called and got a request for bloodwork..and knew within that week.
We had an appointment on Dec 23..considering everything that has happened..miscarriage before Miss E..and what all it took to get her into this world..he wanted to make sure everything was looking good..plus since we were not supposed to go see him until January I had not had my Ovaries or anything looked at for PCOS symptoms still. Well it had a heartbeat at 140 beats already at that point. We asked the doctor if we surprised him and asked if we surprised ourselves. Considering everyone thought it was a slim chance it could not happen at all each time without help..this is huge!
This past week we had an appointment January 23. I was 12 weeks 3 days..working on finishing my 13th week. Everything looks really good. Despite how sick I have been. Good size and developing well. I say sick..due to last pregnancy I had nausea but not like this. I am lucky if I can eat much..if anything at all and when I do..it might have a fighting chance of staying with me. If it is in the morning probably not. I am thinking I have lost like 12-15lbs. I weighed myself that night..not asking them how bad it was at the doctors..and it was a considerable amount down.
This pregancy is very different..not only am I sick and nautious I am very tired. I am falling asleep on the couch...and already have insominea. lol and no I am not complaining..just telling you how we are doing. I think it may have to be with how heavy Evie is..and busy lately..much Fun. The doctor asked me if I wanted something for the Nausea and I said I thought I was ok but if it does not go away or gets worse then I would let him know.
So far my estimated Due date is AUG 5th, 2013. Doug is saying July 19...he was wrong with Miss E..so we will see. I want to find out the sex this time..I think I might have Doug convinced...or he is just agreeing so I will stop pestering him about it. So here we are..we did it all on our own!!! GO US!!!
Evie has been saying the word Baby..it is repeated from us using it with her baby dolls and talking about how their is a baby in mommys tummy..being gentle ect. She however says Be Be..it is super cute. Even if the baby comes early..Miss E and the new baby will be 19-20 months apart.
I will be sure to post some pics..I have some cute picture ideas..for Miss E and I. We also go back to the photographer again when we book it before the end of April. I also have a early..not great quality ultrasound picture..from my 12 week apt.
Much love..Doug, Cassie, Evie and Baby B # 2.