Today my baby girl is 13 months old..or a 1year and 1 month..which ever way you decide to count or look at it.
We have had a busy month...and a cold one at that. I have some photos to post for you all. We are growing like a bad weed. Starting to say more things and are randomely just standing more and more.
Doug and I are just waiting to see when she takes the plunge and just starts to walk somewhere. Right now it is just fear holding her back. I do not have any set timeline for her like some mothers..I just know that if she tried she would do it. The amount of leg strength she has is incredible. E will just crouch midair half sitting/standing and play like there is nothing to it. We use our walking toys as plow through other objects or people..(which we think is hilarious..especially if you say ouch)..or pushes it sideways to get where she wants while walking..did i mention with one finger touching it. In fact the other day she took a step towards me with a little encouragement and no helping hands. Just one step and hen she realized what she was doing and sat down. We are not far though .. Sometimes we stand for 3 minutes straight in the middle of the floor randomly.
We are definitely a toddler now. Braver than you would believe in the most unsafe situations. One of Evie's favorite things is to be upside down. I want you to think of a Ostrich when they put their heads in the sand..bum in the air..well we do that on a regular basis..sometimes 5 times in a 10 minute span.
I am amazed everyday how smart she is. Always using trial and error to see how things work..or simply investigating every which way to use something. Peek a boo..and hide and seek are a big hit lately.. You can not pass object permanence past this child...she will call you out. We are putting our giant legos together and slowly figuring out where to put the shapes in the shape ball.
We are also a very huggy..loving little girl lately..we come up just for cuddles or a hug to my foot..we hug all of our toys...and even pause for a minute here and there to lay our head on the floor and take in the world.
We are eating finger foods atleast once a day now..usually breakfast...sometimes more. We are a pro at toast, waffles, pancakes, small pieces of fruit and some veggies. E can even drink out of a sippy cup with assistance from myself.. otherwise it is still seen as a toy thrown on the floor or spitting out the water. We are usually down to one big nap a day which does wonders for me getting some me time or somethings accomplished.
As of now I am really not sure what else to write at the moment.. So I will be posting some pics to follow asap. Happy weekend!
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