Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

E's 15 month post..21 week 3 days doc app + gender reveal

From carefully placed steps and balanced leaps...we have conquered the living room and house. We are now a full blown walking to running toddler as of March 12. 2013. That's right folks you heard it first here..I am a running mama. Chasing after miss E is a daily occurrence whether she is climbing furniture, chairs or simply chasing the dog.

Evie now has 7 teeth. 4 top and 3 bottom. We are eating more and more like a big girl. We drink water like a pro out of her sippy cup between meals and we have switched her to 2% milk.

The time switch has really pulled her for a loup. We went from going to bed within a couple of minutes and now due to it being so light out we are screaming at the top of our lungs..thinking it is not time quite yet..despite the fact that we are tired. E now gets herself to sleep on her own for nap. It may take her a half an hour..unless she falls asleep during her lunchtime bottle..but she does it on her own eventually.

Since we have been walking around so much..he dog has less places to hide. Our speech is improving drastically. We are repeating words and animal sounds here and there. E loves to read books and sing songs and dance around whenever there is music. She even makes her little people from her house talk to each other and pretends to feed her baby dolls a bottle. Th e bottle may not always make it into the mouth area..but it's the thought right? Lol!

Each days he amazes me on how smart she is. She is putting together puzzles, stacking her cup tower..helping out away toys without us asking in the right bins and is always asking us what things are called by pointing to ask. Every day she turns off the lights for us by flipping the switch down and uses the more sign for lots of things.

I will be sure to post some new pics of miss E maybe even a video.

21 week 3 day app and gender reveal:

Today we went for our app that included the anatomy ultrasound. We were there early. With the specialist doctor we see you never know if he will be there bright and early or late arriving from the hospital. Today was a late day. My app was supposed to be at 8:45am... Well we did not get home until 10am. There was a full waiting room by the time he came in and we got to see him.

There was a queens student there doing a placement ...today was her first day with Maskens. My. Weight is finally going back up. Which is a good thing for the baby and growth. My blood pressure was all off due to the student taking it..took her like 3 try's and no waiting in between. She kept pumping, re-pumping the air in, checking it, I ended up holding the meter for her to read..and then she left it so tight it hurt my arm..it was red and she held it there staring and listening to my arm for 5 minutes like she was confused.

I was thankful when the doctor came back in to do the ultrasound. I do not think he even considered taking the blood pressure reading after seeing how much trouble she was having. He asked before we started if there was anything we did or did not want to know. I replied " we want to know". He kinda laughed and started the scan.

Everything looked great..all in working order and the right size. This baby is a lot more active than E was. I have been feeling it for almost 3 weeks excessively when I sit down day or night. It kicks a lot. The doctor had to keep moving the ultrasound wand around to capture each area he wanted to check out. I think we even saw more this time around than with E at her anatomy scan. It helped that this baby is more cooperative. However the doctor said we will definitely be running after this one. It was so neat seeing all the facial features and fingers, toes. Right now this baby was sideways.

I asked how big this baby is. You have to know our doc to understand his sarcastic humour. He replied to me " as big as a 21 week fetus should be, depends on what you mean ". I asked can you tell the weight. He said it didn't matter too much. When I asked if he could tell how fast the heart was beating he replied " quickly" lol. I told him he was being very vague this morning. He smiled and chuckled at that point. We have been seeing him long enough that's we just joke with him.

Now what you all have been wondering. Doug is ecstatic due to he is RIGHT!!! We are having a................BOY! A lot of people are happy about this. I did not carry either way..would have been happy. It will be nice to be more prepared ahead of time. I knew Doug wanted a boy deep down this time. Well let me tell you, when the doc said lets get this part over with due to it being blatantly obvious..the baby's legs were in the air..the doctors comment was " there is the third leg". He was not kidding..legs spread and no way of missing or confusing what was there..you could see the hands other places and thee it was standing at attention..straight up! Houston we have a Boy! Lol. Hope that gave ya all a laugh.

Now do not go and ask me about names. That is something we have a list of 10 with middles picked out. We shall talk about E's little brother in posts from now on. The name you will just have to wait on.

I will be sure to post some new pics and the newest ultrasound picture. Hope you all have a good Easter. We go back to the doctor in 4 weeks April 25 my husbands birthday. Xo

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