Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Friday, May 31, 2013

Dealing with Gestational Diabetes Baby #2


Hope y'all are having a great TGIF and enjoying the heat wave..bring it on June. If you are a regular follower of my blog..you would know that I had been recently diagnosed with GD..gestational diabetes.

I was to track my numbers after my first appointment with the diabetes clinic at the hospital with a new glucose monitor for 3 weeks...once when I got up and two hours after each of my meals and to make sure I had a snack before I went to bed. So I had recently noticed that my numbers were all over the place. It is a very small number window for sugar levels that they would like you to have when you are pregnant. I only was maybe at the number they wanted me to be at or under twice in a week.

This past Wednesday I called the clinic to let them know what my numbers were and ask them if we should go ahead and change the action plan since they were never consistent and higher than they should be for pregnancy. I the nurse I spoke to told me if I was not pregnant that these were glucose numbers I could sell. Unfortunately for me in my case they had to change and it had to be looked into sooner than another 2 weeks out. So she sent them onto the specialist doctor who looks after the diabetes clinic and they were to get back to me on what the plan was.

I received a call when I was out for my walk with miss E avoiding the heat. I however did not notice that there was a message until in the early afternoon. When I had called them back they needed me to come in Friday to have a meeting about what I was to do and how to take the insulin and dosages I would be on. Originally the first nurse believed that I would just be on insulin before I went to bed and possibly before our bigger meal dinner. To lower the night level so that my morning number would be lower and not carried through the rest of the day.

However this was not the case and now I am starting to be on insulin 4 times a day to counter the insulin my body is not producing enough of on my own while I am pregnant. I am to check my sugars for the next couple of days and call in my numbers for before and after meals and before I go to bed. Starting today I took one injection of a long lasting insulin drug that lasts 24hours and takes its time dosing you throughout that time. I will be taking that one at the same time each day..so probably before bed each night. There will also be 3 other doses of a different insulin much smaller but fast acting right after I check my sugar but immediately before I eat my 3 meals throughout the day.

The smaller dose I dial to 4 for the time being and the long lasting dosage I take once will be dialed to 14. It is a lot easier than I thought it would be having to give it to myself 3 times today already. I HATE needles. This is only a little bigger than the needle end I use to check my blood and I have to inject it into my tummy, thigh or back of my arm. It does not really hurt going in..more when I take it out. I was told it will only bleed a little if I am near a nerve or vain. They are both colour coded for the vials that stay in the pen type needles and the pens are colour coded as well. I will definitely have to go back to the pharmacy to get more needle tips and strips for testing.

The amount I test will not be as much. I call in my numbers Monday or Tuesday to see if I have to change dosage depending on my numbers and when they would like to check my levels etc. Its all a little crazy overwhelming. You do what you have to do right. Its all about making sure the wee lad is okay and that I do not get into a critical condition/state myself. I do not think after dealing with a past miscarriage that we could deal with a still born..especially being so close.

The doctor will be for sure keeping an eye on my more closely to make sure that the baby is still growing at a regular rate and not getting too big. Reason being that in the time I have left that is when the baby's weight is going up the most. I am not too worried about this happening considering E was 2 weeks early and I have 9 weeks left after Monday. Doug is banking on being right due to heat..it being our second birth and E being early.

We go back to the doctors this upcoming Wednesday. So I will be sure to update you on the babies progress. Until then we are focusing on positives. Have a great weekend.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Recent Pics

Swinging With her Grandma and Cousin P

Helping Daddy use the drill!

Drawing with Grampa on the deck!

Ice Painting Sensory with Mom

Helping Feed ourselves like a big girl

Admiring the Dandelion at Yaya's

Reading one of her favorite books from Great Aunt Beth!

17 months!!!

This past Saturday my Little Miss E..my Rae of Sunshine..turned 17 months old..in another month I will have a 1 1/2 year old toddler...CRAZY!!!!

Boy oh Boy are we running and climbing and exploring and testing out the boundaries on a daily basis. It is amazing and frustrating all at the same time..and did I fail to mention NO FEAR!!! I mean I remember the no fear concept from working in a daycare...but when it is your own little munchkin..your heart tends to leap out of your test while you are thinking "Are you freaking kidding me right now!!!!'.

We now have 10 teeth!!! Continuously working on the next one coming in so it seems. 3 of the latest ones are molars..still no bottom front..but it will come in when it is good and ready...lots of time and space there. Our hair is growing so fast that we now have to buy Johnson's tangles products..for our thick and curly hair.

As we get older and more frustrated with expression..not know how to say things even tho her vocab is doing quite extraordinarily well if you ask Doug and I...it leads to more tantrums. Trial and Error of what buttons you can push with mom and dad. Trying out sounds and the volume of our voices or screams when we are upset or trying to make a point. We have started counting..not that I expect her to know what it means already..but to get used to the concept. Miss E has actually started stopping what she is doing for not listening or something she should not be at #2 and looking at us to see if 3 is following or if she can get away with whatever is currently happening. 3 means we come and get her and either help her or calm her down ect.

Humor is a great thing to have in our lives. If we did not laugh at some things you would either be so mad and frustrated and be needing a breather or constantly stressed. Patience has to follow humor. The one day Doug was pretending to play with something to get E's attention and she looked at Doug and Said" Dada TA Me!" as she pointed at the item and then to her chest so he knew what she meant. You can not tell me they do not start to understand little concepts and words..it is very evident in our little beauty. I remember watching Doug's face as he was like " Did that really just happen, am I hearing things?". Another day she came up to the puppy...our Dog Heaven and the dog just happened to be told right before hand to lay down in her bed due to being noisy and not listening. E likes to normally crouch down at the Dog's level and say "Hi Puppy". Well this time she got down to her level and decided to say to her "Nananana Bad Puppy". You want to not laugh so she does not catch on to doing it again...telling the dog off and all. It is really hard not to at that point.

We are big readers. I had bought new ones from value village and a baby steals site online. She knows when they are knew and has faves that I could probably read backwards to all of you. She even does actions to certain books. At the End of "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boyton it says they "rock and rock and rock to sleep". E will rock back and forth with her body.  We even imitate sounds of animals in books and with the little people barn we just picked up from a yard sale.

We are now onto just Sippy Cups!!!! Very exciting and she is trying here and there depending on what we are eating with a spoon to help me feed her or try herself. I believe she is going to be a left handed gal...just like her dad was originally before his mommy made him switch. Funny how ppl do that...left handed ppl are quite intelligent.

E's room is coming along nicely...we have not had much time to work on it lately. Busy Busy..but We hope to have her in there in a couple weeks. Doug is busy working on the forward facing bookshelves for her reading corner we are doing. Her furniture is already moved in..except the cube organizer we need to put together. All of her clothes are already in there. Miss E..loves her new bed..very exciting to visit the purple room and flip through the clothes on the hangers of course.

Well pics to come today..promise..a little behind lol..xo

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sugar Baby: 29 week 3 day Appointment update

Sugar pie hunny bun..you know I love you!

Oh the fun of pregnancy!! Today Doug, Miss E and myself went in for our 29 week 3 day apt. We had a wait which is normal when the specialist is coming from the hospital. Our apt was booked in for 8:45am we probably got into the actual first room to wait for him around 9:20am.

Doug assumed it was just going to be a Doppler apt to hear the heartbeat and check my blood pressure. He first came in and looked at my file..and was talking to us about my blood work that was done last week from my sugar test. I am considered to now have gestational diabetes!! Which means my number tested high enough that they assume you are already gestational diabetic and skip the 3 hour blood sugar test. My blood sugar after the test was 11.3 which basically means my body may not be creating enough insulin itself to process the sugar. I am now going to see the diabetic clinic at PRHC our hospital in town to get a consult.  He continued to take my blood pressure after telling me the lovely news and said he would like to do an ultrasound after the other rooms with the machines were empty to check on the size of the baby at the current time. I do not know how my blood pressure was still perfect according to him..helps that I focus on the floor and think happy thoughts.

We waited a bit longer. Surprisingly  Miss E was being really good considering how long any trip to the doctor must be for the baby...waiting and all. After about 10 mins or so we moved into the next room to wait for him to do a ultrasound. The baby is at a good wait 3lbs and I can not remember what he said for ounces to be honest. Overall all that mattered is that the doctor said the baby is at a normal wait and growth right now.

On our way out he asked us to do more blood work and they faxed the diabetic clinic for us to get in for an appointment. We went down to the lab to get the blood work done and urine sample. I did not realize I got the joy of peeing in two cups today. As if peeing in a cup is not hard enough when you are in your 7th month of pregnancy..we need to make you do it twice in a day. My poor arm is beginning to look like I have track marks. I have a bruise still from last weeks needle and the arm they use is the better arm to get my blood...so in they go again.

When we got home within a half hour I got a call from the diabetic clinic asking if I could come in today at 2pm for a consultation appointment. I was not expecting to hear from them for another week. So I called Doug back asking how his afternoon looked considering how much we were gone already this morning. They did not have any other appointments this week open so we called back and booked it in this afternoon for 2. I was not really sure what to expect other than I knew I was bringing in my old blood sugar monitor incase I could still use it and I was going to be in there for a hour.

When we first got there I had to fill out a form..general info. First we met with a nurse telling us what was going to happen and then with a diabetes dietician. When we met with the dietician she basically asked how I was eating..examples..how many meals ect. She seemed really happy with how and what I was eating I just may need to after being monitored for 3 weeks switch to adding in snacks or moving my banana to say a snack in the am in between breakfast and lunch to keep my levels down lower. I have to monitor my sugar levels when I first wake up..2 hours after each meal and what it is before each meal...and write in if I happened to have a snack in between. I did more blood work at a lab at the hospital and a finger prick with my new monitor to compare the results and check the machine result.

 I have to go back to see them March 13th..so 3 weeks out. My window that they would like me to be at is smaller numbers when you are pregnant than when you are not. When I used to monitor it could be between a 5-8 and be normal depending on what you ate, time etc. This time I have to have it at 5.6 or less in the morning and 6.6 or lower 2 hours after meals. If it is consistently higher and we try to change it with a diet change and exercise and still does not go down..then I may have to be on insulin pens until I am done being pregnant or have the baby.   

Gestational diabetes is something you have to be watched for especially in pregnancy. I am honestly surprised I did not have it with Miss E. But I was eating a lot of smaller meals all of the time since we only had 15 min breaks at work..which causes your sugars to process more regularly. This time I have lost quite  a bit of weight in the beginning ..may have gained like 11 altogether and the baby is a good size..but my levels are out of whack. The specialist believes it is all related to my hormone levels before with my past PCOS and not processing my sugars. Hormones aren't they a wonderful thing...NOT!

Some babies of mamas who have gestational diabetes can be a lot larger...than the norm. This is why they may watch you more frequently to make sure the baby is still safe and growing at a normal pace and it is still healthy to deliver in size. If too much sugar is passed to the baby once born the baby could have sugar lows. High sugar during pregnancy also causes these bigger babies to be less mature for their actual weeks gestational age. They may act like premature babies and are at risk of developing jaundice and other problems. If not properly controlled there is a risk of stillbirth. I also would have a higher risk of preeclampsia.  Miss E was jaundice when we had her..I am kinda thankful that we will be in the summer so that we will have natural vitamin D to aid the wee babe.

Soon I will have to do the strep test again. Most of the time if you are positive like last time I will be again. Which means I can not give birth if my water breaks before having a antibiotic so that is is passed to the baby ahead of time. I am allowed to stop my low dosage aspirin this Monday 30 weeks. I am okay to take my acid reducer until closer to the time of the baby's birth. I asked for the reason that it may affect my breast feeding.

So now we go back June 5th and see the doctor every two weeks. 10 weeks after this Monday coming up..8 or 7 if you listen to Doug. What a crazy day of appointments. This baby is moving tons and hiccuping and somersaulting like mad. Until next time..new blog post with pics coming soon..Miss E will be 17 months this Sat. Happy Hump Day!!!