Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Monday, May 27, 2013

17 months!!!

This past Saturday my Little Miss E..my Rae of Sunshine..turned 17 months old..in another month I will have a 1 1/2 year old toddler...CRAZY!!!!

Boy oh Boy are we running and climbing and exploring and testing out the boundaries on a daily basis. It is amazing and frustrating all at the same time..and did I fail to mention NO FEAR!!! I mean I remember the no fear concept from working in a daycare...but when it is your own little munchkin..your heart tends to leap out of your test while you are thinking "Are you freaking kidding me right now!!!!'.

We now have 10 teeth!!! Continuously working on the next one coming in so it seems. 3 of the latest ones are molars..still no bottom front..but it will come in when it is good and ready...lots of time and space there. Our hair is growing so fast that we now have to buy Johnson's tangles products..for our thick and curly hair.

As we get older and more frustrated with expression..not know how to say things even tho her vocab is doing quite extraordinarily well if you ask Doug and I...it leads to more tantrums. Trial and Error of what buttons you can push with mom and dad. Trying out sounds and the volume of our voices or screams when we are upset or trying to make a point. We have started counting..not that I expect her to know what it means already..but to get used to the concept. Miss E has actually started stopping what she is doing for not listening or something she should not be at #2 and looking at us to see if 3 is following or if she can get away with whatever is currently happening. 3 means we come and get her and either help her or calm her down ect.

Humor is a great thing to have in our lives. If we did not laugh at some things you would either be so mad and frustrated and be needing a breather or constantly stressed. Patience has to follow humor. The one day Doug was pretending to play with something to get E's attention and she looked at Doug and Said" Dada TA Me!" as she pointed at the item and then to her chest so he knew what she meant. You can not tell me they do not start to understand little concepts and words..it is very evident in our little beauty. I remember watching Doug's face as he was like " Did that really just happen, am I hearing things?". Another day she came up to the puppy...our Dog Heaven and the dog just happened to be told right before hand to lay down in her bed due to being noisy and not listening. E likes to normally crouch down at the Dog's level and say "Hi Puppy". Well this time she got down to her level and decided to say to her "Nananana Bad Puppy". You want to not laugh so she does not catch on to doing it again...telling the dog off and all. It is really hard not to at that point.

We are big readers. I had bought new ones from value village and a baby steals site online. She knows when they are knew and has faves that I could probably read backwards to all of you. She even does actions to certain books. At the End of "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boyton it says they "rock and rock and rock to sleep". E will rock back and forth with her body.  We even imitate sounds of animals in books and with the little people barn we just picked up from a yard sale.

We are now onto just Sippy Cups!!!! Very exciting and she is trying here and there depending on what we are eating with a spoon to help me feed her or try herself. I believe she is going to be a left handed gal...just like her dad was originally before his mommy made him switch. Funny how ppl do that...left handed ppl are quite intelligent.

E's room is coming along nicely...we have not had much time to work on it lately. Busy Busy..but We hope to have her in there in a couple weeks. Doug is busy working on the forward facing bookshelves for her reading corner we are doing. Her furniture is already moved in..except the cube organizer we need to put together. All of her clothes are already in there. Miss E..loves her new bed..very exciting to visit the purple room and flip through the clothes on the hangers of course.

Well pics to come today..promise..a little behind lol..xo

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