Hope you all are enjoying the beginning of school season and Fall because it has definitely arrived..and quickly. This week is a big week for Mr. O..he just turned 2 months old this past Monday evening and today was his 2 month apt..you know the one where they give two needles and a oral vaccination.
Lots of new things with O! This week he has started talking (cooing etc) and smiling tons..which is a nice change from all the non stop crying that was going on. I know it is completely normal and to be expected but when your two children are feeding off of each other it can be a lot after awhile. The other day I had him the floor play activity mat and he was swaying the elephant and telling him stories..happy stories. It was great to see..makes you feel like you are doing things right.
O now weighs 12 lbs 10 ounces!!! The doctor called him chubby but healthy. It is probably due to the amount he is eating since we stopped breast feeding last week and started pumping instead! O is now eating 5 oz each feed in a bottle of pumped breast milk. It is definitely more time consuming for me but a completely rewarding task since he is much happier being fed this way. I do not think he was getting enough from breast feeding with the shield. Now that we have been feeding him this way he is lasting the 2 1/2 to 3 hours in between feedings..which he was not able to before. I am a double Medala pump we ordered off of well.ca so that I can do both sides at the same time. The single electric is just not cutting it for time and efficiency when you have two kids. It will take me 10-20 minutes tops with the double where as right now it could be 10-20 per side.
Right now I have been trying tons of methods of upping my supply for O since he is a growing boy. When I started pumping I was only a pump ahead..not great. If I pumped since the start I would have been fine. I am pumping every 3-4 hours except at night when I only pump when we all get up. I say we due to Doug is feeding him while I pump and then we all go back to bed sooner. That may change when I get the double. I could just pump after he is back in bed. I made lactation cookies..which are made using brewers yeast, flax seed meal (ground flax seed), oatmeal and the regular oatmeal cookie ingredients. I went from being one bottle ahead to I have almost 4 1/2 feeds in the fridge...so 5oz pumped to 23oz. O gets roughly 35-40oz in 24hrs. I would say they work great...along side eating properly and drinking tons. I usually get 5-6 out a pump...around 9-10 so two feeds in the middle of night pump...which is awesome..I would like to get a weeks supply ahead frozen at the least..it would be golden!
He is now 22 inches long and head is 15.1 inches round. Apparently his height is low for average as well as his head size..I do not really focus on all that.
It is cute..he finally is a bit rolly and has a little Buddha belly. His head is a wee bit flat on the one side..I think we have been laying him down more one way..not on purpose..just sorta happened. It will not matter soon though due to he looks like shortly he will be rolling over..he sways his body back and forth so well. He is smiling and noticing more around him. We can put him in the swing now and he will actually notice the fish that move and light up.
I was really hoping that he would not lose his hair...but it is happening! But it is all good due to he has new hair growth coming in at the same time. You can always tell where they lay at the back of the head due to the bald spots. Funny how boy babies are so much like little old men.
I can really tell he is growing fast. I remember Miss E being in newborn and 0-3 clothing forever. O however is the opposite..all newborn has been pretty much put away a week or two ago..and he is out of newborn diapers as well. We have him in Size 1 diapers however I feel with his buddha belly that sometimes its a stretch to get them done up. I am sure that will change again soon as he sprouts up and not outward. He is also in 0-3 which some fit and others do not. 3 month stuff are definitely being moved into the area of clothing being worn despite his shortness. See I always thought he was long..news to us that he is shorter.
Not sure what else to tell you. I will post new pics soon. If I get a chance you will get to hear all about the fun we are having with miss E after Monday. Xo
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