Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Pictures

Hay Ride to Pumpkin Patch

Picking out her very own pumpkin.

Daddy taking a picture of his girls.

Picture fun with mama.

Pumpkin fun

O was a Bear in a mama Tree!

Snuggly Cuddles

Showing you her pumpkin

My cute little Cupcake! Her cherry had did however not fit anymore..

My Ghosts!

The Pumpkins I carved for the kiddies!

O's Pumpkin
Walking to Houses to Trick or Treat with Dad!

E's pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

E's 22nd Month Post!

Here I am again writing to you all later than what I had wanted. But in my defence it is rare that I get 5 minutes where they are both sleeping at the same time.

E is growing up so fast! She is now almost a week past 22 months old. Her Pointer Teeth are finally breaking through slowly. I say finally because it has been over 3 months coming lol. Also we have all been up with her for 4 days in a row at 3am due to her poor painful mouth from the 4 of them trying to break skin at the same time. OUCH! Monday Doug got her back out at 12:30am..last time we were up with O for some reason...fed him and back to bed we go. You never realize how much sleep you actually need or how little you can some how still function off of until it is not there.

Everyday E is doing something funny..having a new toddler moment or tantrum if you will. Testing us daily...but making memories all the same. She is continuously trying to sound out or repeat new words. Right now there is one little phrase that she repeats that Doug and myself can not figure out if we tried..but she knows and thinks it is funny. We get " All done" a lot..or evil laughter and then shortly followed by " oh no!", "It was me" or "I did it". At least she is honest right?

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch near us this past weekend and it was so much fun...cold but fun. E loved it. She got to go on a tractor wagon ride to the patch and back..pick out her own pumpkin for her and a small one for O. She played in the sand, saw some animals, a pumpkin cannon. Next year she will be old enough to go through the mazes and stay longer. It was really nice and not too expensive for a family outing. I love carving pumpkins..so that night we scooped out all the guts from the pumpkins..E helped...and even wanted to eat the orange insides. We had to stop her since she liked it so much. It was really exciting helping Daddy put a face on her Kin as she is calling them...or everything is Ba! The hard part was telling her that she was not allowed to take the pumpkin to bed with her. So she said goodnight to the Kin...and I mean she blew it a large kiss and said night night and waved to it. The great pumpkin would be Proud!!

E kisses O all the time..and he loves to smile and watch his busy...silly older sister. Well right now if she kisses him..he sticks his tongue out a lot since both of my kids were tongue tied and had them clipped that is normal..plus he is teething to already. Well when she kisses him she giggles after and wipes her cheek off to tell me he kissed her back..it's quite cute and funny to watch.

Every day we explore in new ways. Trying new things...testing new boundaries. Hard to believe my little ladybug will be 2 in under 2 months..heads up Y'all christmas is on the way! I am slowly moving things higher and higher out of reach...for she is taller each day it seems. Even E's looks are slowly changing. So excited to tell you for a couple weeks now I finally have E using the Signs for Please and Thank you. Yeah!!!!! Mostly she uses them to ask for the iPad..she calls it "Pad" I have tons of games for her on mine and Doug has a couple..well if she wants it she will be very persistent on asking or sit between you and the "iPad" so you can not use it lol.

I will post again soon. Hopefully not too far away..no promises haha. Definitely some Halloween Pictures..E is going to be a Cupcake! As for O and I its a surprise hehe. xoxo

New Pictures

So here are some new pics as promised..I have more I would like to post from the Pumpkin farm..and of course after Halloween pictures are taken..Enjoy!
Finger Painting Colour Wonder Pictures for Family

Fall walks to go and feed the ducks at the pond near our house.

Telling Mom a funny story and smile after a bum change. Happy Boy!

Halloween Sensory Rice Play! Explore the world around you.

Serious at tummy time. Doing tummy time like the pro he is!

Captain O at the Pumpkin Patch.

Daddy and Miss E with the Spider Hay Bale at the Pumpkin Farm!

Say Cheese at the Pumpkin Farm! 

Helping Carve the pumpkin and Take out the guts. She loved it.

A warm cuddle/picture with mom after visiting the animals and pumpkin cannon at the pumpkin farm.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

O's 3 month Bumbo Pics

When we had Miss E we took a picture of her each month in our bumbo. We decided to carry on the tradition with Mr. O. Here are the first 3 months of bumbo pictures. It is amazing to see the difference in how they grow so fast each month. Enjoy
1 month old!

2 months old

3 Months old
We had to prop his wee head up this past time..we are so tall it was flopping backwards..but what a cutie right! I will post more family pics once I offload them off my phone. These are off are SLR! Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mr.O is 3 Months Old

Crrrrrraaaaziness is all I can say!

I really can not believe that my baby boy is 3 months old already. Considering he was 3 weeks early time has flew by ever so quickly. He is an amazing wee lad let me tell you. He is growing faster than Doug and my eyes can keep up.

O has amazing head control. Most of the time he is lifting it up while being held and looking around the room at different interesting objects. Especially fans we all know how babies love fans. He is beginning to really love doing tummy time longer and playing in his floor mat. He talks and smiles away kicking his feet and swims with his arms. I would tell you how much he weighs..but we honestly have not had time to weigh him let alone myself. We are busy busy. All I can tell you is that he is out of all of is 0-3..some 3 month things are too small already and have put away some 3-6 month stuff or they fit! He has a really long torso like his daddy and sister. I am always buying bigger tops and smaller pants.

I am lucky if I get 30 sec of quiet where they are both sleeping or not awake at the same time. Right now I am taking advantage of being the only one in the house not sick again and just got the sweet babe down while my Rae of sunshine and snot lol..is supposed to be sleeping in her room. I heard her cry once already..but hope it was in her sleep as she has been up a lot this week due to our new family passed on cold and teething.By teething I mean E and O! Yes you heard me..he has started the constant drool fest already...and we just put his Amber teething necklace on a couple days before..smooth moves.

Remind me to thank my in laws for this one. I feel as if I had just got the sickness out of our house and we go down to visit for thanksgiving and everyone is out for the count again..poor guy does not have a fighting chance..his sister kisses him to death. Doug who never gets sick has it again as well. Oh and my twin Nephews!!!! I am one pissed off mama about ppl not using their brains when their kids are sick and letting others know. I am pretty sure my kids can pick up their own sicknesses without help...blah Rant Done!

O loves his sister. She will bend down and talking to him when he is in his swing or floor play thing and he will talk back and smile and try to touch her face (due to how close she is). He even licks E when she kisses him..which is a lot. Funny to see happen. It is a really neat thing to see them interact with each other more and more each day.

Most days we are making it till the next feeding time. Right now he is definitely off due to the constant sickness. I feel that it has been a month. If you have a wee baby with  a cold I swear by Nose Freida...not all those other crappy nasal aspirators that do not work and hurt. It is something when you look it up will think it is gross..but it is worth the price and does not hurt and helps my wee babies breath when they can not blow their noses.

O is drinking 5 oz 6-7 times a day. Most nights he sleeps anytime after he eats from 9:30/10 until 6/7 in the morning..the past 3 days we have been waking up to add a feed in..due to a growth spurt or his sisters painful screaming from teeth or his new cold. Hoping it soon stops..Right now Doug and I are running on around 16 hr of sleep in 3 days...not good. Does not help my supply when I am that low on sleep...lucky for me I now have around 8 days frozen of milk supply..and counting..YEAH!!!!!

I know I keep saying I will post pictures..I will make it my mission to do so as long as everyone is rested and well..otherwise I will for sure not have any time. Hope you are all having a good October...we are hoping to get some pumpkin pictures soon. xo the Brants.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

E's 21 Month Post

Hey Y'all!

I hope that September has been good to you. We are sure having fun right now..Both of my babies have colds..O is currently getting over a bum rash from the vaccinations he received and is super stuffy.

E is still currently teething super bad with the 4 teeth that still have not broken through the surface. We thought it was a runny nose connected to her teething which happens often. Plus she gets allergies this time of year when we go to visit the grandparents in the country. We all seem to only feel the allergies a bit in the city. It was not until she did not get any better and much worse when we got home that night. She was so congested when we tried to give her homeopathic allergy medication she worked herself up so much she threw up all over Doug, O and the couch/floor.

The last time I wrote about Miss E I was talking about how her teeth were affecting her. Well let me tell you...E ended up not only having a teething rash but a nasty Yeast Infection! I went to go and get her cream from rexall and should have trusted my gut..but the pharmacist was a dork and said I should go get her checked out first. So off we go to make a appointment..get her into the night clinic at our doctors and they give us a prescription for the same cream I was going to buy in the first place. A week or two of applying a no name anti-fungal cream and it cleared up nicely. I never would have thought a foot cream for athletes foot and jock itch would be used for a yeast infection and be similar ingredients to Conestan.

E is testing boundaries leaps and bounds. Seeing how far she can get with things. Eating/feeding her is loads of fun. Right now it is touch and go what she will eat feeling sick and with her teeth. When she has had enough or decides she is all done she starts to make a mess and turns it into art of throws it all over the place.

She has been hopping all of the house like a frog. Saying "Hop Hop". Repeating new words as she hears them. Today she told me she tooted and pointed to her bum after mumbling something and then told me she stinks by plugging her nose. It was quite funny. Since we have come home from visiting all of her cousins she is jabbering about tons.

E will climb up onto the table chairs all by herself and now does the stairs for the most part hanging onto the railing with one hand..standing up straight instead of half crawling up. The one night she got out of her bed and when we went to go tuck her in..Doug found her asleep on the carpet in front of her book area asleep. It is funny E fits into 18-24 pants sometimes even 12-18. Her upper half is built like dad in the sense it is tall/long.

We are clumsy lately! Fell 3 times last week where she actually hurt herself. Hit and loosened the one tooth..I think it is connected to her teeth and cold. Also we are becoming very helpful. E even wants to help hold my pump pieces on for me and o's bottle in. Only if she would clean up when we asked her lol.

Off to pump I go! Pics to come shortly.