Here I am again writing to you all later than what I had wanted. But in my defence it is rare that I get 5 minutes where they are both sleeping at the same time.
E is growing up so fast! She is now almost a week past 22 months old. Her Pointer Teeth are finally breaking through slowly. I say finally because it has been over 3 months coming lol. Also we have all been up with her for 4 days in a row at 3am due to her poor painful mouth from the 4 of them trying to break skin at the same time. OUCH! Monday Doug got her back out at 12:30am..last time we were up with O for some reason...fed him and back to bed we go. You never realize how much sleep you actually need or how little you can some how still function off of until it is not there.
Everyday E is doing something funny..having a new toddler moment or tantrum if you will. Testing us daily...but making memories all the same. She is continuously trying to sound out or repeat new words. Right now there is one little phrase that she repeats that Doug and myself can not figure out if we tried..but she knows and thinks it is funny. We get " All done" a lot..or evil laughter and then shortly followed by " oh no!", "It was me" or "I did it". At least she is honest right?
We took the kids to the pumpkin patch near us this past weekend and it was so much fun...cold but fun. E loved it. She got to go on a tractor wagon ride to the patch and back..pick out her own pumpkin for her and a small one for O. She played in the sand, saw some animals, a pumpkin cannon. Next year she will be old enough to go through the mazes and stay longer. It was really nice and not too expensive for a family outing. I love carving that night we scooped out all the guts from the pumpkins..E helped...and even wanted to eat the orange insides. We had to stop her since she liked it so much. It was really exciting helping Daddy put a face on her Kin as she is calling them...or everything is Ba! The hard part was telling her that she was not allowed to take the pumpkin to bed with her. So she said goodnight to the Kin...and I mean she blew it a large kiss and said night night and waved to it. The great pumpkin would be Proud!!
E kisses O all the time..and he loves to smile and watch his busy...silly older sister. Well right now if she kisses him..he sticks his tongue out a lot since both of my kids were tongue tied and had them clipped that is he is teething to already. Well when she kisses him she giggles after and wipes her cheek off to tell me he kissed her's quite cute and funny to watch.
Every day we explore in new ways. Trying new things...testing new boundaries. Hard to believe my little ladybug will be 2 in under 2 months..heads up Y'all christmas is on the way! I am slowly moving things higher and higher out of reach...for she is taller each day it seems. Even E's looks are slowly changing. So excited to tell you for a couple weeks now I finally have E using the Signs for Please and Thank you. Yeah!!!!! Mostly she uses them to ask for the iPad..she calls it "Pad" I have tons of games for her on mine and Doug has a couple..well if she wants it she will be very persistent on asking or sit between you and the "iPad" so you can not use it lol.
I will post again soon. Hopefully not too far promises haha. Definitely some Halloween Pictures..E is going to be a Cupcake! As for O and I its a surprise hehe. xoxo
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