Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Monday, February 17, 2014

O's 7 Months Old!

Hey Y'all,

Hope Winter is not hitting you too hard. We are all sick again..well everyone except this Mama here. I already got past one illness and somehow have not gotten what the rest of my family currently has. Our house is filled with steam humidifiers, vicks rubs and Puffs Tissues!!! Yahoo for Winter Colds.

Captain O is changing every day!Hard to believe he is 7 months and that there is only 5 more months until he is a year old!  He has two bottom teeth fully through!!! He will let you know he has them when he smiles and also when he decides to gnaw on your hand or accidentally bite you when he is not teething on a toy. We believe he will soon be having more coming through soon. As he is constantly drooling and teething on everything. Everything just looks like it has to be eaten though right?

He is currently on the move. He is not fully crawling as of yet but is pretty darn close. He rolls and turns to where he wants to go. Reaches and grabs objects from the floor or knocks them over for him to get to them..or kicks them down. He even has a bridge maneuver where he will pivot off of things to turn or roll another way. E is constantly taking things from him or trading him toys. You know the things O should not have or are hers or that are too small for his little hands and mouth. He is crawling backwards slowly when he wants to. But that being said it is more of a army crawl after he is up on all four he pushes and slides his body backwards. Quite Crafty if you ask me. The boy has mad skills!!!

O loves food and will tell you if he is not eating on time. He eats 4 oz of solids 3 times a day with 4 bottles a day. He sleeps all night. Obviously not recently due to this congestion he is dealing with. We put him back to sleep at 5am. He has had pear, green beans, chicken, yogurt, peaches, banana, blueberries and raspberries. Soon we are going to do beef and more meats and fruits. Eventually we will move onto chunkier things and other cereals. We can not shovel things into his mouth fast enough most days.

Babbling is what we are known for. O definitely talks more when daddy is home. We were walking through Pet Smart and Canadian Tire this past weekend and he was saying Dada to me the whole time. We know he is not fully aware of what he is saying. Still it is really nice to hear him copy us, coo and try to sound out words. He was saying Mama a while back. He really loves his Daddy though!  You remember watching "There's Something About BOB". You know the scene where they are eating dinner and he is moaning and talking about how everything tastes so yummy. Think of that scene..close your eyes..that is really O eating food! Makes me laugh every time.

Also my dear husband and I have decided that our children are in cahoots with each other. They both have a little evil giggle where they are doing something together they should not. Twins have a secret code and so do siblings. Changing them at the same time is sometimes more trouble than it is worth. Cute and Funny..but also challenging. They always want to hold each other hands and giggle/smile at each other.

Miss E:

I am going to just throw in info about E from now on or I will never remember to do both blog posts. Unless its a spontaneous post just about her where it is super exciting.

E is well a super fun, dramatic and exploring toddler. Always singing and dancing. Constantly testing her surroundings and boundaries. We love to play hide and seek and giggle until you find her and say no when you are looking for her and ask if she is say under the couch cushions.

We love to colour a lot lately. She is such a little artist. Copying mama at trying to shade and colour inside the lines. We are getting very good at using manners and asking to do activities. Cleaning up is touch and go. If she wants to do another activity she will help you clean up faster in a heartbeat.

I have decided I am not going to potty train her until she can really tell us when she is going. Right now she is starting to explode in speech but is just not quite there yet. Also we are still soaked when we wake up in the morning.

I will be sure to post some newer pictures soon. Until then have a good family day!

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