Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Thursday, February 26, 2015

K's 1 Month Post

Hey Y'all,

I honestly have been trying to find the time to sit down and write up my blog. I feel it has definitely been delayed. Anyways today if I am sounding a wee bit silly..the lack of sleep I assure you is a great factor in why. We have been awake a lot just recently. Surprisingly not due to my newest addition K but from Captain O and his Pointer Teeth coming in. He is just beside himself in the middle of the night. I do not recommend..I repeat DO NOT..recommend you sleep in a bed with your toddler child! This may cause bodily harm, lack of sleep, slurring of words, needs of drinking a large amount of coffee and a need to have a large drink from the aftermath of the day.

K's last appointment was a couple of days after he had turned 1 Month. We took him and his brother O in the same day due to he needed to have his 18/19 Month appointment with a needle. K is growing before our eyes. At his appointment he weighed in at 10lb 1oz and was doing well in his height and overall well being. The doctor was quite impressed with his weight increase since the last checkup he had at 2 weeks he was 7lb 7oz. He also ironically has a larger sized head in proportion (daddy's head). His penis is healing nicely since he has been circumcised.

Since his appointment he seems to have shot up in growth even more. I started to pump for him earlier than I did with the other two children. He was getting too much from my over supply. I was always getting backed up. He was all over the place in feeds. He was choking on my milk and spitting up every time we would lay him down. Sooo now we feed him every 3-4hr 3-4oz at a time. He does about 8-10 feeds a day. He takes bottles like a pro..the timing and work is definitely more and now my DH gets up with me in the middle of the night so that we can all go back to bed sooner. But overall we are doing well. We have always been busy. We are different busy. This time of chaos only lasts for so long. The crying with no smiles only lasts for sooo long. Or at least that is what I tell myself..haha. 

He now has some cradle cap that we have under wraps with a cream we also used on O. His hair is receding back like his Grampa's! K's skin is evening out. He now has some more awake times..He is a lot like his sister where he does not want to miss out on all the action..which can be trying when you are trying to get a million other things out. He will be a kid like his sister where he will definitely have to cry it out later on.

Overall we love having him as our newest family member. His sister is kissing him to death and tells me every time he crys. While O always brings him toys and wants to be right beside me when feeding K.

O 19/18 month Check up:

O is doing great beside the teething. We are definitely adjusting to not being the baby and having a little brother. Not to mention the chaos of trying to pack and get ready for the Big move day.

O now weighs 27lbs 1oz. He is around 33 inches tall. He still has a large head like his daddy. His penis is looking better since the last time it was checked out. He still has two oil glands I have to clean out every so often that will eventually go away according to the doctor.  He took the needle no problem. You would have thought someone blowed on him..not a feeling or grimace.

We now have him on Sippys of all kinds, straw cups etc. He still wants to steal K's bottles since he feels like they belong to him. Now when I am pumping he will come over and poke me or lick the piece attached to my boob. It's quite funny to see. The other day he ran off with the left over bottle from K and hid near our front gate drinking what was left over saying mmmmmm. What a boy! Makes us laugh due to the nurse at our other office we were seeing asked if I was tandem feeding the boys. If you can IMAGINE! My dh and I laughed hysterically and said no..her response was "you can". NEH NEH NEH....he has Teeth and his way past the age I would ever breastfeed by boob. I figured I did well giving him breastmilk until 10 1/2 months. KRIKEY!!!!!!

Then there is MISS E!!!
Threenager has hit the Brant household hard! OTAYYYYYYY! A phrase I hear so often with her hands on her hips..OTAY MAMA! We are in the NO..im Fine stage. No I do not want to. I am Miss Independent....but I need help. Unless she made the decision we are wrong. Power stuggles of who is in charge. Lately we have had a couple potty accidents. I am sure it is due to all the change and packing etc.

We drove by our new place last weekend and she told me after finally seeing it. " I no like my new home". In direct response my dh told her that you will have to learn to because that's where we are moving to. It may be different when she gets to see it in person on inspection day. This is the same child who loves everything lately..including her POOP.. I lub/lum....(we do not say V's yet) my poop mama. Oh dear!

Shut the front door!!!! My threenager tried bacon and lunch meat and likes it!!!Oh and Pizza! This is the girl who refuses to try new things and only naps when she wants to..even if she is almost falling asleep on the couch beside me. She assures me she is Fine.

We have sooooo much fun lately. I really hope its a phase..not just the age. I could write forever on all our adventures if I had time. As for now I must go get O before K wakes up again to Eat..while is playing with a blanket instead of sleeping. On the bright side I got one box packed today and the bathroom is clean. I would say the floor is..but O decided we needed to grow cheerios seeds everywhere...happy planting!

If I get a chance I will post some new pics...but if not you can always follow me on instagram!

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