It's late and I am feeling tired today so bare with me if there is spelling mistakes and I sound a little loopy. Hard to believe we are half way through K's 3rd Month....before we know it he will be 4 months old already!
The days are long..long due to being so but busy. I do not have enough time in a day currently. Soon things will change and we will be onto new adventures like solids. I will be missing all the milk time cuddles and spit up I once smelled like. Sounds gross but unless your a truly would not understand why it is okay to be "Spilled On" as my nephews call it.
K is a happy guy! Full of drool, spit up and babbles but happy. Most days fly by since we are go go go but we are happy! He is growing so fast. He spits up quite regularly but I believe that is due to all the spit he swallowing..lack there of pooping some days and teeth! Glorious Freaking Baby Teeth. You know those pearly whites beneath the gum line that magically turn your baby into a drooly pain filled biting monster. We spit up quite a bit but he is growing and happy so its all good. K is currently rocking his Baltic Amber Teething Necklace. We put the necklace on the dapper lad just before he turned 3 months..the magical age all my children start to teeth.
The head control he has amazes me each day. He is starting to do more tummy time when we are awake long enough. looking around at the world around him. Probably quite scary at times since his siblings run on the click flooring a mile a minute. We have slept for most of a week through the night after our 10/10:30 feed until anywhere from 4:30-8am. Usually waking between 5-6. K must be growing since I had to put his NB and 0-3month clothes mostly away due to he is starting to need to be in 3-6months clothing already. The other night I had to inform K we are not giggling and playing at 3am! Thankfully he went back to sleep for the night after being fixed. Things are looking up. He often falls asleep in the day if playing in is floor toy.
Captain O:
O is talking all over. My parrot! I gave him his first ever buzzed hair cut this past month. He now looks just like his dad. Daddy told him either He needed to grow his hair longer or O did. Funny boys! I guess my dh did not realize how much they looked alike until I cut O's hair. Handsome like daddy just the same. Currently O has his pointer teeth taking their sweet time. The poor boy is crying in the middle of the night. If its not one kid in our house it is another waking us up for one reason or another. The other day we brought O into our bed since Daddy had been up with work until 2am and O got up around 4am. After Daddy falling asleep standing up. Currently I am trying to type this and falling alseep on the couch in and out beside my working/sleeping husband. We got vocab repeating, wiggling and very little sleep until wake up time. HOT POOP is a regular thing for O to tell me while changing his diaper..even if it's just a pee bum. Also he will ask to have the Toons on..if the tv is off.
Miss E:
Holy Crack-a-lackin We signed up E/registered her for JK today where we moved to. Hard to believe that she will be going to school this upcoming fall. She is growing like a bad weed also. Very polite. Bathroom ordeals are getting better depending on the day. I find when I say I do not know how and ask her if she shows me she will go. A lot of time now she tells us when she has to go. Lately we want to pick out our clothes and try to help getting dressed. We love to help! Eating veggies is also happening folks. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! You heard me right your ears do not need to be checked. We will not each raw carrots, celery, baby sugar snap peas, cooked broccoli , peppers and potato depending on how its cooked. Just recently we have been working on school info we need to know like ABC's , Colours which she knew and counting. Trick to getting her to stay in her room in the morning is for Daddy to tell her he will wake her up in the morning.
Well the time of the night where I make more milk has arrived..pump time. Soon followed by Feeding and bed. Another day of our blessed busy life. Shout Out to my Hubby who just turned 34 this past weekend. xoxo The Brants
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