A lot has gone down in the past couple of weeks. My DH has gone to India for 2 weeks and back. In the mean time while he was away I had to start Carb Counting..JOYS! No Pressure or stress at all right?
I have to be followed by a dietician to get my sugar levels checked and regulated to not go on insulin..I am considered borderline gestational diabetic. So While he was away..I was allowed and still am following the rule of only having well balanced meals with more protein and fiber..lots of veggies and only a carb count of 30-45g per meal and 20-30 for a snack. The first week went super great..its not a easy thing to try and follow..limiting carbs and counting everything. I also have to make sure I am getting extra exercise in after meals to help reduce sugar levels..which now I am finding with my over night fasting number..does not really make a huge difference.
The second week my whole family got the flu..including my mom who was staying with us. IT was honestly awful. Doug was lucky enough that he did not seem to get it when he came back. My numbers for sugars are getting down to where they want them to be. Most of the day is usually bang on target..my morning number was finally down in the 5's for the week I was sick and just after..but usually likes to hover around 6 in the am. So far I have not had to go on Insulin..the doctor and dietician are happy. If I get put on insulin it is a automatic delivery in Peterborough. My weight has been dropping off since on the carb watch..I am down 3 or possibly a lot more since the baby is still gaining weight.
After Doug came back we went in for another appointment and weight ultrasound at Cobourg's Hospital. The doctor who did the scan estimated that she is already 7 pounds roughly. I remember them saying they thought O was going to be like 9-10lbs and he came the day after I switched to 37 weeks. He only weighed 7.7lbs. I am in my 35 week and feel I only have 2 1/2 to 3 weeks left. I am only so tall and run out of room...then I swear they hit the eject button. I have been getting braxton hicks on and off for a couple weeks randomly...great feeling.
This week we are off to see the Specialist in Peterborough Dr.Maskins..just to make sure he thinks we are all in the clear to deliver in Cobourg or if we should continue care up there with him and deliver in Peterborough. If I keep my levels down and weight Cobourg can deliver if we are not too early. I have packed most of my bag already just to be ready to go! Doug thinks that this baby will be here sooner than later. I have registered part way with Cobourg..They have this funny interview where you do all the paper work and see the delivery area etc..we however are not booked in until the 11th of May. I feel we will be going in to have the baby the same day. I would be surprised if we make it. Peterboroughs form I have filled out but not handed in yet. I feel we will bring it and hand it in after our specialist apt if he says we should be up there instead.
The bassinet is washed and set up. The Bag is almost packed. We have bought some NB diapers again..and most of all the newborn and 0-3month clothes are already washed as well as the carseat, bouncy chair and swing seat. I feel we are more prepared than before..now if only I can narrow down the names better and get these sugar numbers handled.
We will keep you posted on what is happening. Wednesday should be interesting. Who knows maybe it will be a mothers day we never forget. Daddy has picked the 5th...which is before 37 weeks hits. The next runner up is Pierre our old neighbor in Pdot..The Calendar is up and visible for the betting pool! love to all..xoxo
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