Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

36 Weeks Day 5 Appointment

Hey Y'all
So today we were back in Peterborough to see the specialist..who we love! He actually did a scan today...believes this sweet child of mine is roughly 8lbs. Hilarious right! The biggest baby I have had was O and he was 7.7!

I will believe it when I see her...and the weight check that is. Not worried at all..still looks healthy and this mama is doing what she can by all the instructions given from a million different directions. So far my numbers for sugars are consistent and not scary but being managed the best way I know how through diet planning and exercise..carb counting is the worst..but ya do what ya gotta do for the baby right!!!

I also had the pleasure of doing the swab today...so fun..I continue to wear pads...ew and lose lots of fluids like I am peeing my pants....if you have never had that happen during pregnancy...consider it a blessing...still no contractions. If we surpass tomorrow and Friday we are onto the next bidder on the calendar..surprised no one picked Saturday as the date..anyone else want in on the money lol jk.

I also saw the dietician and diabetes center in Peterborough at 1pm. I talked to a nurse and a new dietician about what my case is...gave them the downlo....how far I am...what my numbers are...where my pregnancy is at..including losing things which makes a difference on timing..what I have been doing to control my sugars and exercise. All in all..in the end..as long as everyone is happy and healthy all that matters.

As of right now...especially since we are seriously in the home stretch we are not going to be going on insulin..but still managing the same way and I was given a new sugar meter since mine is like 20% out....good times. So more in range than we thought. They decided to ask Maskens and called me after we were home again to let me know I am good for now to stay off long lasting insulin..but I may have to have some during labor if my sugars are too high or juice or a Popsicle if they are low during labor...balancing act if you will. Also if the baby is a certain weight being higher it may need to be sugar monitored a bit longer if not responding to formula and sugar water etc.

So here is where we are at. NO insulin..for now thank goodness..keep exercising and eating the followed carb amounts at meals and snacks. A must to have a snack at night to help fasting sugar number in the morning. I am coming back to Maskens next Wednesday..if we make it there..haha...and he will be following me for the remainder of the pregnancy in Peterborough. He also may be delivering if he is the one on call..if not I get the other specialist...on rotation. My bag is packed and its only a hour drive right??? We can make it there....totally..just have to leave earlier haha...

Now I get to call and cancel my registration interview with Cobourg hospital for next week. My BMI would not meet the criteria anymore and no NICCU!

Those are the details..keeping you posted..Baby #4 could be here any day now..who knows we could even have her on Mothers Day! xoxo

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