Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Monday, August 15, 2016

3 Months Young

Hey y'all,

Here we are almost half way through August and I am finally getting  chance to try and write my blog post. I am doing this on my phone tonight. Typos may happen haha. I am waiting for O to go to sleep since we napped him today.

Miss A is doing great other than a raspy cough that does not want to seem to leave. I believe it is starting to get better but it's sure taking it's sweet time. She has had it since the last doctors appointment. There was a older man with a awful cough when we were waiting to go into see the doctor after seeing the nurse and he sure was not covering his mouth or wearing a mask. It could be allergies, it does not happen all the time and is worse when she is laying down longer. Not much they can give her anyway.

She is changing so much each day. Her cheeks are huge but her looks are becoming more defined. She is making strange here and there but more serious than scared. Her cradle cap
Is getting better that before with cream and oil/brushing. Her smile is so contagious and she loves to show it. She loves kisses and to be sung to. We still sleep quite a bit but is having a lot more awake times. We have been last through the night with a dream feed bottle around 10:30/11pm and last anywhere from 5-7am.

She is getting bigger every day. Normal I know but cherished so much due to all the firsts for her and last time to see how amazing it is first hand. She is very aware of her surroundings. Cooing and smiling while playing in her floor toy or chair. She prefers noise over quiet except for at night which is good.. This house is definitely not QUIET! We are trying to roll when on her back in her floor toy. Seems quick to me...but she has lots of helpers.

She has a lot of love in our house. E has even helped hold a bottle for her a couple of times and will bring me diaper supplies when asked. Shocking I know. We go back to see the doctor in September.. Unless we need to check her out soon.

Her character is starting to show. I a sure shs will grow and learn faster than even K.
I will write more on all my other littles when I am not on my phone.

Xoxo The Brants

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