Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Owl be your Valentine!!

Wowzers!!! I really need to put more time into this blog..I just realized that Evie is almost 2 months old in 2 weeks and I did not even post about her weight and such for her 1month app. Loads to write about!!!

So we are all doing well considering the chaotic schedule/non schedule that we live by. I am gonna bet that Evie is now close to 10lbs if not more. When we had her 1month app a couple weeks ago she was 8lb 7 oz. Doug and myself have kinda did the step on get your weight on the scale bit and then go on the scale with the baby a bit ago and she was around 9 something..so we are guessing she will be more than 10lbs at her 2 month app on the 27th of Feb..if not more. She is growing like a weed which is really great considering all the fun we have with feedings. The amount of new born and 0-3 sleepers I have already put away is insane. They are all made differently and it seems her legs will not go unbent in some..so away they go. We are already in Size 1 diapers!!!

Last week on the 8th I went for my 6 week check up! Everything looks good..healed and I got to have a Paps done with 6 ppl being in the room. It is always nice to have your own entourage for those kind of things..lol..not. The specialist had a Medical Student Doctor guy with him and then had to call the Secretary in for the Paps..so Doug, Evie and myself had an audience. We however forgot to bring a picture with us and he was very persistent on reminding us that we need to bring him one. I do not blame the man..he did go through 3 years of all this to get us where we are now. So now I have to remember to print some off to bring to his office when we go to our family doctors next time. 

Evie is becoming more aware of things..focusing lots..batting at her toys on her bouncy chair. Starting to make new sounds..constantly trying to lift her head when you are holding her. Fighting nap time to the nines in the day time still..makes my life exciting. We are trying lots of new methods..closing the door..playing some music..seems to help..bought a new cd player just for her room..and the key rule of sleep cues ect.

Feeding is getting better..she has latched this past week..week 6..for a couple feedings for 20 minutes on my left side..not so much my right..but that is a bigger boob after all. Could be a little intimidating who knows. Latching at all is a great improvement...we always try first and then put the shield on if we have to. If we are still not going to get it tho..I believe mommy is going to switch to just pumping..it will still be breast milk at least.

We are now sleeping 5 hours in the night..going to be changing our somewhat schedule soon and try to see how long she will go after 2 months..or at least try and do a 6 hr stretch at night..so I can get some less broken sleep. 

This past weekend we got to see our aunt Jen and uncle Josh..our cousins the twins..(Zachary and Cameron)...everyone is doing well and are growing very tall...smiles all around. We also had a visit with the Brant and Overdulve Grandparents. Everyone is amazed on how well she is doing and how fast she is catching on to things as well as growing.

This upcoming weekend the 18th we are having a Meet and Greet for Evie..lots of ppl would like a cuddle and she has not met a lot of our friends as of yet...Christmas was very busy after all.

Hope this has you on the update..Here is a couple of pics enjoy!!

Our little valentine!

Ready to venture out and about!

Daddy and his girls..mommy not included.

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