Our Little Fam

Our Little Fam
Family Love

Sunday, August 17, 2014

13 Months and 16 Wk Checkup

Hey Y'all

Happy Sunday! I would have wrote yesterday but we took our family and a family friend on a little road trip to Toronto, ON to the Amazing Ripley's Aquarium. If you have not had a chance to go..its a little bit expensive for the adults..but definitely worth the memories. We would not hesitate to go back.

O is already 13 months old. We are definitely babbling a lot more and trying to say new words daily..or at least sounding them out. We are mimicking facial expressions and sounds that we do to him back at us.

Food..well what isn't O eating. You give anything to that boy and he will eat it. Jethro in the making. In fact he likes to eat food so much that he gets Hangry if it is not ready at a normal time or what time he thinks you should be feeding him at. We often have to just stop letting him have more food due to he will just slow down but not actually stop.

We are trying to adventure around the house daily. For example this morning my husband learned that O has found the corner cupboard that pulls out with 2 pieces to reveal a deep cupboard full of food to pull out. We never really had to worry about cupboards with E..she left them alone.

I would love to say he is walking but he is only walking along things still. Does not have as much interest..he is extremely efficient at crawling super fast..so we do not worry. We already have to swiftly pick things up or move things out of O's reach. E is learning that hard way that her toys are not just hers and we need to share with O.

Other than the daily norm both kids are doing much better. We had a awful bug that was going around where they both had bums so raw that we had to get cortizone cream for them. Poor O was bleeding on his bum. It is still a little pink now, but that is what happens when you are wee and get The Runs.

Baby # 3:

Last week we went to the doctors for baby # 3. E was very excited that she got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I am back up a lb..honestly at this time I do not care about weight. I was down a lb last time we went. It always fluctuates up and down in the beginning for me.

My doctor seems to want me to diet or try not to gain any weight at all this pregnancy. In her words not mine "you have enough reserves that the baby could survive off what you already have stored". Pretty sure my doctor is calling me fat. I told her I usually gain around 20 give or take...which I lose at birth. According to her I should not have to even gain that for my size. I am wondering where I am not gaining cause I am pretty sure I am growing another human being and my children usually weigh 6-8lbs so there is almost 10lbs right there if you add in the placenta..and the expanding uterus and water weight and all that fun stuff..but ok lets go Diet this time around.

The way I see it, I am not binge eating. I do not go out of my way to eat tons of junk while pregnant we walk daily and I do yoga and other exercises while pregnant. My doctor is concerned more of my weight due to my last pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes. However I was strep positive with E and not with O. Both completely different children and pregnancies and Deliveries. I am not concerned. If it happens we will deal with it. There is not any point in worrying about something that has not happened yet or may not.

Things overall are going well. Blood pressure is good...weight it normal, heartbeat is 140 bpm. I go for another appointment and ultrasound in September..where we can if the baby cooperates find out what the next baby will be. Boy or Girl..what is your guess?

I am thinking I would like to do a fun party like a gender reveal shindig! Who's IN????
Until next time..xoxo The Brants

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