"Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Yeah, we'll be counting stars" ONE REPUBLIC-Counting Stars
I felt today I needed a little bit of inspiration instead of just typing up the downlo of what has been happening in our lovely family life. A little inspiration helps when your daughter has been waking it up at 5am every morning and fighting naps. Things are always changing around here daily..and never boring!
In fact just yesterday the toilet paper roll got to dance around my bathroom twice in one day thanks to my toddler and no I am not referring to Captain O! Things may get tight here and there on money..we always make do, always survive and try to make the most of our time with our family of small children. Besides counting stars and making out pictures in the clouds is one of our faves. Every night when I put the bug or frog light on for my sweet babes we ask them to count the stars and tell us how many there are. We are rich in laughter, imagination and love! Which means a whole lot more in the end after all.
As it becomes fall....out come socks! I do not know about you...but I hate wearing them. If I did not get colder at this time of year and have wee ones..I would probably not wear them at all. But to be a good example you must lead by example. Even if that means your feet are screaming at me in protest. O hates socks more than E it seems. We can not get this boy of mine to keep his shoes or socks on if his life depended on it. Besides they make great teethers for a 14month old right!
O is 14 months old! Blink 0-14months..in a blink! He is quite the little character. He is getting taller and bigger every day. I keep putting away clothes that he should be in for a bit being 12-18month sizing. However he is taller and some things he is wearing are already 18-24 and fit him perfect now. I can see him growing out of things more quickly than E ever did.
O is my Jethro! Throw Back Thursday Memory there. If you do not know who Jethro is..look up beverly hill billies and have a good chuckle. He never stops eating and will steal snacks like no body's business. Just the other day since my lovely boy likes to play in the kitchen drawers and cupboards. I had to pull my hot pot cork circles out of the drawer and leave them on the counter for the current time. O has decided that eating Cork seems like a good idea. Not as tasty as he would have thought but none the less is a good teething aid.
He is repeating sounds and words daily. Sometimes we even hear him say " I did it" or "I gotcha" all quick and mumbly. He loves to clap and wave and boy what a FLIRT! Who can say no to the length of those eye lashes and blue eyes anyway.
I need to invest in FLASH running shoes. (comic book reference) He crawls up the stairs like he always knew how. He is now walking on and off behind his motorcycle walker. When his sister lets him have the chance to use it. They both love it equally. Just out of O's reach is not high enough anymore either. He will climb on you or a object to reach it if he wants it that badly. He is the most resourceful kid I have ever met.
Miss E:
So right now we are having lots of fun with the 2-3 age. You know where we hit and throw toys and would rather be very dramatic and throw ourselves on the floor instead of listening and doing the task at hand. Especially Potty time. We are very selective on when we would like to go. We are getting better on starting to tell us she needs to go not just us taking her once a hour. I am very proud of how far she has come considering how small of a age we started her at.
We are constantly putting words together. If you have dog hair or the floor does, Miss E will be sure to tell you "DOG hair, Dog Hairrrrrr" with a accent. She also is playing in her room for a 1/2hr-hr in the morning before telling us she is awake and what we may nee to change in her diaper. Even O gets told from her room. It is quite a comical house hold.
Hard to believe that in 98 days she will be 3 years old already. Hence this Mama has been Christmas and Bday shopping for our household already. We love her through and through even though some weeks are harder and more tiring than others. It is just an age and phase and we will soon laugh about all the little things.
Well we have been having quite the time. First off I am going to have to postpone the gender party that we were going to have at our place and plan it for later on. My doctor refuses to send me to have a ultrasound just for sex! The technician we had last time at diagnostics in our medical building was not professional to say the least. She was guessing on sex..no where and I mean no where did we see a PENIS! She said her guess would be boy but you could be right it could be a girl. She thought she may have seen boy bits..referring to the BALLS. That being said it was very bad pictures on the screen..very fuzzy! She was looking at a upside-down view..bum angle..umbilical cord was there..legs crossed and he Hands/Feet were both in the way. She could not multi-task and for her to get the actual measurements more my scan it took her 35min before Doug and the kids could come in. Not to mention she was talking about my date changing again but did not actually give me anew one. Sooooo much fun!
Today we had the check up..The heart beat was at 150bpm. Very quick paced. Blood pressure was good. Our tests for any genetic problems are low risk. The baby is in the 87%..whatever my doctor would like that to mean. I believe we are a week or so farther than what they think. Doug and I believe it will come around New Years or the 7th..they keep thinking my due date is the 27th..originally the 16th.
Needless to say my next scan will be with Dr.Maskens who we saw for the other pregnancies and we should get some more clear answers. But Mum is the word on Sex. You can give it a guess if you like. My pregnancy is the Same time frame as E's was. I am carrying and having similar symptom pregnancy to E more than O. I remember O being more aggressive inside always moving. I felt this one later like E..even though they say its larger. We definitely did not see a actual Penis as of yet and with O it was right there at attention. We will love it either way. We are so blessed to be having this journey again as our family grows.
My next appointment is when I am 25 weeks at Partners in Pregnancy which my doctor is a part of on Wednesday mornings. I am to get a call shortly of when they could get me in. I am going to do another blood sugar test to see if I have gestational diabetes with this child. I did not with E and did with O. So we will see what is to come of that. I am to have a small snack 2 hrs prior and that is all. My last one was done early but came back clear of having it again. My doctor is very to the book and perticular. I even have to get a booster shot for things this time around.
Now you have the downlo. Lots to tell and catch up on. I will post again soon. If I ever remember I have not posted pics lately. Last time I tried blogger as acting up. Love the Brants
Thanks for the update. You certainly have a busy but enjoyable...most of the time...life. Was great to see all of you the other day. Hugs